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24+ Must-Read Marketing Books (That Happen to be Written by Women)

Add a few of these woman-written books on content, marketing, business, and psychology and persuasion to your library during Women’s History Month. Each title earned a place on the list thanks to recommendations from your fellow marketers.

How to Create an Effective SEO Strategy for Your Local Business

Lots of brick-and-mortar businesses have had to digitize their operations to allow online booking, buying, and even services. But other than Google Local, how can you get found? Here are some ways.

How to Make a Better Content Marketing Case With ROI

Calculating ROI for your brand’s content marketing is a frequently asked question. Here are some ways you can answer it and make a stronger business case for content marketing.

5 Types of Video to Add to Your Social Media Marketing

How do you create the best videos for success on social? Let’s walk through five choices.

How to Create High-Converting Content

Compel your audience to convert with these five tips to create more engaging content, from headlines to CTAs.

Tips, Tricks, and Advice to Help Overcome Your Writing Challenges [New E-Book]

Content creators know the struggles before, during, and after they put words to (digital) paper. Here are some tips, tricks, and exercises to help and a new e-book that pulls together our most helpful writing advice.

Will Wikipedia Think Your Page Is Notable?

You want a Wikipedia page. Aren’t sure the content will pass muster? Your success lies in a single word – notability.
How To Build a Winning Content Plan for Social Media [Template]

How To Build a Winning Content Plan for Social Media [Template]

Social media can be a tough nut to crack. Opportunities, audiences, and value propositions vary greatly from one channel to another. To conquer it, you need a social media channel plan. Here’s how to do it.

How a Content Approval Process Went From 9 Days to a Few Hours

Too often, the content approval process turns into prolonged agony. And when content tackles trending topics, that turnaround time can seem impossible. That wasn’t the case for Nativo and Hewlett Packard Enterprises.

5 Agile Marketing Values to Sharpen Your Content Process

Content marketing often is a messy, haphazard process. But it doesn’t have to be. Establishing deliberate methods using Agile values can bring order – and help your content team deliver better results.

Get Your Content Governance in Order With This 1 Thing

Struggling to balance those big content marketing ideas with those ad-hoc requests? It’s time to do something about content governance. No, it’s not too big an idea or above your pay grade. Start with this idea.

Why Rushing Your Writers Never Leads to Great Content

Great content writing takes more than transcribing interviews or curating easy-to-find information. Use this (often misunderstood and undervalued) writing process to explain why faster content isn’t always better.