Want More Method and Less Madness? Check Your Content Operations
May 5, 2021
Ann Gynn
People, processes, and technology (also known as content operations) make up the machine that turns your strategy into effective content marketing. Try this basic blueprint to set up a new content operations infrastructure or fine-tune the one you’ve got.
6 Steps to Help You Decide Whether to Optimize Your Failed Content
May 3, 2021
Kim Moutsos
In between the content pieces that hit the mark, you’ve probably published a few that didn’t. Is it ever worth spending time to optimize those duds? These six steps will help you decide.
15 Engaging Ways to End Your Next Blog Post
April 29, 2021
Alexandra Cote
Introductions get all the attention. Yet conclusions and endings matter even more. Readers who get to the end of the story are the ones most interested in the topic (and likely what your business offers). Here’s how to reach a satisfying conclusion.
3 Graphic Design Tips for Non-Designers
April 13, 2021
Midori Nediger
Blogs, social media, and websites, oh my. The appetite for visual content seems insatiable – and graphic designers aren’t always available to help. This intro to the design principles of white space, typography, and color will help you make the most of your DIY designs.
How to Measure Content Marketing: The (Updated) Essential Guide
April 1, 2021
Jodi Harris
Your content marketing program will be judged by the impact it makes on your business’s bottom line. Try the tips, templates, and techniques in this post to make sure you’re measuring (and acting on) things that make a difference.
10 Things to Think About When Using Email Marketing
March 30, 2021
Kevin George
Email consistently ranks as one of the top channels for B2B and B2C marketers. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have to revisit the what, why, and how of email. Here are 10 thoughts from email experts.
Know the Basics of Link-Building to Boost Your SEO
March 24, 2021
Holly Rollins
Almost 60% of SEO pros say backlinks have a big impact on search engine rankings, according to a recent uSERP survey. Make sure to know the basics, from the terms of art to the types of content that will get you traction.
5 Fixes to Help Avoid Content Bottlenecks
March 22, 2021
Fi Shailes
We all know the dream, right? We create and distribute amazing, engaging content because we had:
Sufficient time to develop it
Effortless collaboration
Efficient processes
We all know the reality, right? We endure strict deadlines, spend way too long getting buy-in and approvals, and see new content...
24+ Must-Read Marketing Books (That Happen to be Written by Women)
March 18, 2021
Ann Gynn
Add a few of these woman-written books on content, marketing, business, and psychology and persuasion to your library during Women’s History Month. Each title earned a place on the list thanks to recommendations from your fellow marketers.
How to Create an Effective SEO Strategy for Your Local Business
March 15, 2021
Ann Smarty
Lots of brick-and-mortar businesses have had to digitize their operations to allow online booking, buying, and even services. But other than Google Local, how can you get found? Here are some ways.
How to Make a Better Content Marketing Case With ROI
March 4, 2021
Michael Brenner
Calculating ROI for your brand’s content marketing is a frequently asked question. Here are some ways you can answer it and make a stronger business case for content marketing.
5 Types of Video to Add to Your Social Media Marketing
March 1, 2021
Joe Forte
How do you create the best videos for success on social? Let’s walk through five choices.
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