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Gating Content: Where Do You Stand in the Great Debate?

Gating Content: Where Do You Stand in the Great Debate?

Gating content is a controversial move in some marketing circles. Sales teams want gated content because it drives qualified leads. Some marketing teams say gating creates a barrier between potential audiences (and search engines) and great content. Who’s right?
Content Governance Is a Must for a Successful Content Strategy

Content Governance Is a Must for a Successful Content Strategy

Architects don’t just hand over drawings to the construction crew. They include detailed specs, so the project delivers what the customer wants. So, why do you expect a content strategy to do all the heavy lifting on its own?

How To Rise Above the Content Noise

More content doesn’t equate to more success — it risks burying your best work. Still, you need to make enough noise to be heard. These techniques will help you break through with a differentiated message.

Solo Stove Brand Reignites Snoop Dogg With Blunt Marketing

Solo Brands is at it again. Snoop Dogg returns to its smokeless stove ads. But is the campaign different than the viral one that led to the CEO’s departure? Is there something marketers can learn from the new initiative? Yes, to both.
What It Takes To Build a Unified Content Experience

What It Takes To Build a Unified Content Experience

Building a consistent content experience across all possible touch points (social, website, chat, etc.) takes research, empathy, and collaboration across internal teams. It’s not easy, but the results are worth it. Here’s how to start.
What To Do When the Optimal Strategy Isn’t Optimal

What To Do When the Optimal Strategy Isn’t Optimal

There’s nothing better than an ambitious content or marketing strategy to inspire teams to aim high — except for the realistic version you can actually implement. Try this process to bring your so-called optimal plans back to earth.
How To Mine Customer Reviews and Ratings To Improve Your Marketing and Products

How To Mine Customer Reviews and Ratings To Improve Your Marketing and Products

Dig into the buried treasure of online reviews. See what leading brands Tylenol, Estée Lauder, and Scünci are learning about their products and messaging directly from consumer feedback. Plus, get advice on how to start a ratings analysis program for your brand.
7 Ancient Archetypes That Can Give Your Content Fresh Relevance

7 Ancient Archetypes That Give Your Content Fresh Relevance

Sequels, prequels, and reboots abound. Why? Storytelling around recognizable themes has built-in resonance. Explore the seven archetypes with inspiring B2C and B2B examples before you launch your next content marketing initiative.
Can You Rent Success by Publishing Beyond the Website?

Can You Rent Success by Publishing Beyond the Website?

Deliver valuable content experiences beyond your website, but don’t abandon your owned home. Here’s how to revamp your “rented” properties — while maintaining and improving your owned channels.
The New Facts About Your Owned Media Strategy

The New Facts About Your Owned Media Strategy

Some people say owned media strategies are dead. They’re wrong about that. But they’re right that just-the-facts content will no longer bring people to you. Your content experience has to lead people to care. Here’s how to do it.
How To Create User Stories That End Frustrating Conversations About Marketing

How To Create User Stories That End Frustrating Conversations About Marketing

A CEO and a data scientist have a conversation about generative AI in marketing. Both parties leave frustrated. But the friction could have been dissipated if they had created user stories that got everybody on the same page.
How To Balance Marketing Specialists and Generalists

How To Balance Marketing Specialists and Generalists

Do you need more marketers or more analysts, strategists, and other specialists? Most teams would vote for both. Try this approach to balance your need for deep expertise and the agility and stability content generalists provide.