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6 Strategies To Convert the Content Clueless in Your Brand’s Leadership

Frustrated by executives who don’t “get” content marketing yet? Mix and match these six strategies to convert them into content champions (or at least get them clued in.)

How To Ditch the Rocks in Your Content Stocking

Are you headed into this holiday season feeling unfinished or uncertain? Here’s how to ditch those gnawing feelings and head into 2024 stronger than ever in your professional life and brand’s marketing.
A phone and other devices show cartoon-style charts representing content marketing statistics.

39+ Content Marketing Statistics To Help You Succeed in 2024

The end of the year is a time to reflect on the year behind and anticipate the year ahead. Use these statistics and related resources to make a case for the budget and other resources you need, document a winning content strategy, and decide how big a role video will play in your 2024 plans.

How To Snap Out of This Year’s Malaise – and Get Inspired for 2024 Content

All the disruption this year may have you feeling uneasy about your content work. But you can head into 2024 with a spirit of innovation, creativity, and inspiration with this renewed case for strategic content.

5 Content Marketing Measurement Don’ts (and What To Do Instead)

Imagine you could prove content marketing’s long-term value in a way the CFO would understand. Avinash Kaushik, formerly of Google, is working to make it possible. For now, he shares five tips to make your metrics more relevant today.

Get Executive Buy-in for Content Marketing (Even in an Economic Downturn)

Content marketing programs can face big cuts when the chips are down. Here’s how to prove your value to executive stakeholders and preserve your budget.

Why You Struggle To Prove Content ROI – and How To Settle Up (or Down)

Traditional ROI formulas don’t always work to show content’s real value to the business. But you’re not off the hook for proving results. Try these ideas to describe your program’s value in the language of business – or decide you need to realign your goals.

How NBC Sports Next Medaled in Olympic Content for Kids

The content team at NBC Sports Next expertly threaded its way through executive moguls and pandemic-related detours to reach Olympic kid-content glory. Here’s how they developed a repeatable process to attract the next generation of viewers.

Why Internal Customers Will Kill Your Content Strategy [Rose-Colored Glasses]

Customers are stakeholders in your content program. But not all stakeholders are customers. Most are more like investors ¬– a key constituency, but not quite the boss of you. Robert Rose offers tips on leading with content instead of serving content.

What Most Companies Get Wrong About Content Strategy (And How To Fix It)

Business leaders think about content strategy the way fish think about water. They don’t – until someone points it out to them. Here’s how to help them make the connection between strategic content and business value.

Stop Making These Reporting Mistakes (If You Want To Keep Your Content Budget)

Does your executive team get how content marketing helps the business? They may not if you’re committing one or more of these fatal reporting mistakes. And that likely affects the budget for content marketing.

Are You Overselling the Power of Data? [Rose-Colored Glasses]

Content marketers often oversell the power of data. Then, when you need buy-in for an innovative endeavor, executives want to know what the data says. Think about how to change from a data-driven model to one that allows for new ideas, too.