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Murder! Mystery! Marketing! How Caspian Studios Brought Fiction to B2B Content

Murder! Mystery! Marketing! How Caspian Studios Brought Fiction to B2B Content

A-list actors. A who-dun-it narrative. More twists than an M. Night Shyamalan plot. No, it’s not the latest box-office blockbuster. It’s a B2B podcast. Yes, really. Here’s the story of how this award-winning project came to be.
6 Ideas for Epic Audio and Video Storytelling [Examples]

6 Ideas for Epic Audio and Video Storytelling [Examples]

See (and hear) how six brands, recognized at the 2024 Content Marketing Awards and Cannes Lions, captivate audiences with their creative storytelling. They offer inspiring lessons on crafting engaging, impactful content.
Podcast production process

How To Produce a Podcast in 2024 (From Someone Who’s Done 400+ Episodes)

This Old Marketing has produced over 400 podcast episodes since 2013. Learn how they do it in 2024, from the process to the equipment and the one big thing every successful podcast requires.

How To Achieve Business Podcasting Success (and Pitfalls To Avoid)

Business podcasts differ from entertainment podcasts — and it’s about more than audience size. Discover the key elements to crafting a podcast strategy that works for your content marketing and business goals.

3 Scriptwriting Secrets To Elevate Your Brand’s Videos, Presentations, and More

Don’t fall for the bad advice that scripts are for amateurs. Discover why you should write scripts for your brand’s videos, podcasts, and other presentations, and get the secrets to making them great.

The ‘Big’ YouTube Announcement Almost Drowned by a Sea of AI News

Forget the never-ending conversations about AI-created content this week. We look to news from YouTube you may have missed – and share why you should consider it.
John Egan-Content Marketing Institute

5 Tools to Make a Big Impact With a Small Content Marketing Budget

With the right free or low-cost tools, cash-strapped content teams can still make a big marketing splash. Learn how to produce great content with little to no money.

How To Amplify Your Podcast (Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Ideas)

Before you hit the record button again, think about doing more with each podcast episode. The name of this show is amplification. Here's how to get started.

18 Blogs, Social Media Posts, Podcasts, and More We’re Thankful For This Year

On this day devoted to gratitude in the United States, the CMI team shows their appreciation for some of the blog and social media posts, audio, and video that inspired us in this challenging year.

Brands Buck History, Give Home-Field Advantage, and More [Examples]

Get a glimpse into the innovative ideas coming from Ford with the newest debut of the Bronco, Major League baseball with its fans at home, and more from Whole Foods, Pukka Herbs, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Go Behind the Scenes With 3 Finalists for B2B Content Marketer of the Year

What makes a B2B content marketer great? It’s the ability to lead out of the status quo, show how things can be better, and act to make it so. Here’s how the three 2020 B2B Content Marketer of the Year finalists did it.

5 Content Lessons From John Krasinski’s Some Good News

Ever have a good idea but not the time to do it? That was John Krasinski. But then the pandemic hit and he had the time to create the Some Good News series. Here are five content lessons learned while watching the eight episodes.