Amanda Maksymiw
Amanda Maksymiw is the content marketing manager for Lattice Engines, a leader in B2B sales intelligence software helping Fortune 5000 companies sell smarter and achieve a 6-14 percent increase in sales productivity within one year of deployment through Intelligent Targeting, Contextual Conversations and Measurable Execution. She is responsible for setting and managing the company's content marketing strategy including creating, producing, and publishing engaging content. Follow her on Twitter at @amandamaks.
Stories By Amanda Maksymiw
A Content Marketing Plan for Turning Your Influencers Into Partners
March 12, 2014
As marketers look to boost their content efforts, many turn to influencers to lend credibility to a piece of content or a brand. Find out how to create a content marketing plan that will build relationships and turn your influencers into partners.
5 Fantastic Data Sources to Inform Your Content Marketing Strategy
August 10, 2013
Big Data is all the rage right now, and it can offer useful insights about buyer intent and customer engagement. But it's easy to be overwhelmed by all of the possibilities and data at hand. Use these 5 fantastic data sources to manage the data deluge and inform your content marketing strategy.
3 Ways Your Content Marketing Strategy Can Use Big Data
May 20, 2013
Data are coming from your customers and prospects at an incredible rate. Find out 3 ways your content marketing strategy can use Big Data for valuable insight about what is most engaging for your target audience.
Above and Beyond: A Killer Example of B2B Content Marketing at Work
August 5, 2012
When it comes to content marketing, some companies just "get it". Take a look at Eloqua's stellar program — and a few key learnings that can help you produce equally winning results.
How to Use Content Segmentation to Differentiate your Brand Online
April 5, 2012
Many websites have trouble engaging each of their specific audiences in an effective way. In trying to market to everyone, B2B marketers may be setting themselves up for failure. If improving your segmentation is something you have yet to master, read on for tips to get you started in presenting content in a clear manner specific to each of your website visitors.
4 Steps for Using Content to Build Your Personal Brand
January 20, 2012
Personal branding was definitely a big trend in 2011, and OpenView Venture Partners' Amanda Maksymiw believes it will continue to be a focus for B2B and B2C companies alike. Here she shares four steps to help you create and build your online persona.
How to Build a Subscriber Base of 10,000 Strong - and Growing
December 22, 2011
In their latest book, Managing Content Marketing, Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose explain that content marketing is an excellent way to build passionate subscribers to your brand. And what company wouldn’t want that? Subscribers, a loyal following, and fans can be critical to the ultimate success of your company in terms of closing new business.
It has been a while since I blogged about my firm’s experiments with content marketing, so I thought it would be fun to write about our experiences growing and maintaining our newsletter subscriber base. My firm creates and publishes weekly newsletters offering new ideas to help senior managers build great companies. Our inaugural edition was sent back in March of 2010 to about 200 subscribers, and we are now sending the newsletters to nearly 10,000 active subscribers. Here are a few ways we helped our subscriber base to grow:Continue reading
How to Get Your Content Found: Tips from Content Marketing World
September 8, 2011
More companies are engaging in content marketing strategies to build their brands, generate leads, and boost thought awareness than ever before. These companies are writing blogs, creating podcasts, producing videos, releasing reports, and designing infographics. But what happens after the creation phase?
That’s exactly what we learned during a panel discussion on strategies and tactics to get found, which took place on Day 2 of Content Marketing World. Continue reading
A Real Time Live Blog from the David Meerman Scott Session
September 7, 2011
This morning, I had the opportunity to sit in on David Meerman Scott’s keynote presentation during day one of Content Marketing World. In the session, David stressed the importance of real time in content marketing. And in the spirit of real time content marketing, I am writing this blog on my iPad as David speaks.Continue reading
How to Incorporate Influencers into Content Marketing
July 29, 2011
Chances are if you are reading the CMI blog, you are already executing against one or more content marketing strategies or at least thinking about doing so. But have you integrated influencer marketing into your content program?
First, what is influencer marketing?
Influencer marketing is nothing new. For years, companies have been engaging with the people and groups that their target audience looks to for information. Back in the day, companies practiced traditional PR and built relationships with a few key reporters in their space. But with the shift toward online interaction, a new generation of influencers has come upon us.
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5 Keys to Motivating Your Employee Bloggers
June 6, 2011
A corporate blog is often a foundation for any successful content marketing program. The blog itself can be an insightful resource for your current and prospective customers, provide material and ideas for repurposed content, and increase site traffic. The benefits of spreading the blogging responsibilities across the entire organization can be crystal clear, but often times it may be challenging to keep motivation high, especially for those outside of the marketing department.
Here are some essentials that have driven results in our corporate blogging program.
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One Person Every Corporate Blogging Program Needs
March 11, 2011
A corporate blog can be a key component to any marketing strategy for B2C and B2B companies. Most corporate blogs are authored by multiple employees, which means your company will be able to create a larger volume of valuable content for your target audiences.
Even though multiple authors spread out the work, there is one individual who is essential and ensures the fate of a corporate blogging program: the blogging administrator.Continue reading
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