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[O’Reilly Report] Transforming Customer Data Into Insights: A Chief Marketing Officer’s Guide to CDPS 

Chances are you purchased an order online in the past year and picked it up in the store or curbside. According to various estimates, 25% of US consumers tried curbside pickup by 2020, turning it into a $30- to $35-billion annual market. While COVID-19 certainly played a large part in this process, this shift toward a customer-first experience has been years in the making.  

With this new report, published by O’Reilly, CMOs, analysts, and business leaders will learn how to pursue customer-centric, data-driven marketing. You’ll learn through case studies how organizations have adapted by providing a customer-first experience. In the chapters that follow, authors  George Mount, Lynne Capozzi, and Karen Wood examine the challenges marketers face and the technology solutions that have risen as a result, including customer data platforms.