Erin Rodat-Savla
Erin Rodat-Savla is a marketing strategist and researcher based in Boston. Follow her @ersavla.
Stories By Erin Rodat-Savla
September 11 Museum Connects Stories to World Stage
September 11, 2016
The National September 11 Memorial & Museum aims to share its stories on the world stage. Learn how this journalist-turned-marketer is taking on the challenge of staying top of mind when that tragic day is 15 years behind us.
Tell Corporate Stories Like a TV Producer: Inform, Inspire, Engage
April 1, 2015
EMC revolutionized its video content – hiring a former network news reporter, launching EMCTV, and creating its own studio. Learn why this B2B brand did it and how it’s helped, then discover how to improve your own video storytelling.
Social Impact: How a Nonprofit Became a Content Phenom
February 16, 2015
charity: water intends to reinvent the nonprofit from the way it engages the public to the way it distributes and tracks every dollar raised. Learn how this nonprofit became a fundraising and content-publishing phenom without a traditional marketing budget.
Analyzing Human Data: Take a Dive to Find Out What Your Customers Really Feel
October 29, 2014
Plenty of companies track what people say about them online. Tallying brand mentions, though, won’t reveal what customers or prospects really think and feel. What if machine learning could help marketers know a person’s intent?
4 Ways Wearable Tech Could Change Your Marketing Strategy
July 13, 2014
With wearables seemingly bearing down on us all, how can we adopt a pragmatic but open frame of mind on this new category? It seems like wearable everything is inevitable, but a lot of it still seems like a distant sci-fi promise. Marketers would do well to at least start kicking around ideas now. Find out 4 ways wearable tech could change your marketing strategy.
Innovation Coach
July 10, 2011
A talk with Tom Koulopoulos, author of The Innovation Zone, about the essential elements of innovation (psst: it’s not about technology).
Feel pressured to adopt new marketing technology and call it innovation? Trying to make a splash in the market when the definition of “new and exciting” keeps changing by the month? Tom Koulopoulos, author of The Innovation Zone and founder of Delphi Group, a technology and business advisory group, offers little comfort:
“It’s going to get harder to keep up with the pace of all this uncertainty and the innovation it demands of us.”
If the word “innovation” makes you cringe, you’re not alone. “We tend to get very critical of innovation talk, in part because we’re surrounded by so many new gadgets and gizmos, let alone the thousands of books and conferences on innovation, we think we must’ve already conquered that mountain.” Or, if we haven’t, we fear there’s something seriously wrong with us–or our company.
Here’s where Tom does offer comfort. The problem...
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