Derek Edmond
Derek Edmond is a Managing Partner for KoMarketing, a B2B online marketing agency specializing in search, social media, and content marketing.
Derek directs SEO and social media strategies for clients of KoMarketing. With nearly 10 years experience, Derek has worked with organizations ranging from the Fortune 500 to venture-backed startups to small business enterprises.
Connect with Derek in social media through Twitter and LinkedIn.
Stories By Derek Edmond
Measuring Marketing Effectiveness: Find Out if Your Content Converts
April 30, 2014
Although much of our focus is on brand awareness and audience engagement, lead generation and customer acquisition are also important goals for content marketing programs. Use these ideas and tactics for measuring marketing effectiveness and find out if your content converts.
6 Ways to Measure B2B Content Marketing Performance
February 10, 2014
CMI research has found that content marketing clients understandably want to be able to tell how their organization is doing in relation to its peers. Find out how to demonstrate B2B content marketing performance in association with three primary challenges: brand awareness, thought leadership, and engagement.
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