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Stories By Colleen Jones

Has Content Marketing Hijacked Content Strategy?

There is often debate about the distinctions between content marketing and content strategy, but whatever their differences, they shouldn't be working at cross purposes. There is an opportunity for both fields of practice to inform each other as we move into 2014. Find out what content marketing and content strategy can learn from one another.

How Surveys Help Create More Effective Content

If you want to assess your success at producing effective content marketing, you need useful, actionable feedback about it. Find out how to improve your efforts by focusing surveys strategically to collect data that complements the behavior data you already gather.

How to Make Branded Content More Credible [Research]

Can digital branded content ever be taken seriously? Research shows that credibility problems don't arise from the concept, but more in the execution. Here are three research-based ways to make your branded content more credible.

Take Your Content on Location with Location-Based Services

If you’re going mobile with your content marketing, then consider location-based services (LBS). A location-based service is a network that provides content to your mobile phone or devices based on where you are. Your physical location is the trigger for content. If you’ve ever checked in using FourSquare, you’ve used a location-based service. But, location-based services can go far beyond the check in.  LBS is a big opportunity to influence people in a particular place. To help you see the possibilities, I’m sharing an example from North Carolina State University.Continue reading

5 Tips to Save You from Content Analysis Paralysis

A smart content strategy starts with content analysis. I love analysis and enjoy explaining how to do it. The challenge? Content analysis can overwhelm you—especially when you have a lot of content or many audience segments. To prevent analysis from slowing you down, follow these five tips.Continue reading