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Stories By Brody Dorland


Your Must-Have Checklist for Successful Blog Promotion (Infographic)

You’re not done when you click to publish a blog post. It’s promotion time. To make the process more effective (and repeatable), follow the actions outlined in this handy promotion checklist (use the text version or infographic).

7 NEW Things to Do After You’ve Written a New Blog Post

New platforms for promoting and sharing content are showing up all the time and existing ones keep evolving. Check out seven of our favorite new things to do to get attention after you have written a new blog post.

Tips and Tools for Better Listening for Content Marketing

A recent post from Joe Pulizzi got me thinking about an important role within marketing teams that too many companies are overlooking these days. Joe calls this role a Chief Listening Officer or the “air traffic controller for your social media and other content channels.” Titles aside, having someone who dedicates time to regular online listening/ monitoring is an extremely valuable role that every company needs. For this post, here are some insights into how we use online listening tools (and what tools we use) for ongoing monitoring as well as for up-front strategy development and post-campaign analysis of the overall success of our content marketing efforts. Continue reading

5 Steps to Tracking and Monetizing Your Website Conversions

I’d like to see a show of hands: How many of you have Google Analytics installed on your websites? Most of you? Great! How many of you have at least one “goal” set up within your account to track your conversions? Ok, I probably just lost about half of you. Final question: How many of you have a monetary value or “goal value” attached to that conversion goal? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Continue reading

How to Structure Your Web Content to Get Better Conversions from Buyers

There is no shortage of articles on buyer profiling and personas on the CMI blog, but today I’d like to take that process one step further and show you how to improve the effectiveness and performance of your website by incorporating your buyers’ needs and wants into your website’s content architecture. Continue reading

A Template for Killer Website Content

Over the years of developing websites for clients, I’ve learned that the age-old adage, “If you want it done right, you gotta do it yourself,” can be a two-way street. Of course, there are companies out there that have great web writers internally, but most don’t. And the thought of a company turning a great website content strategy (that we slaved over) into an ineffective “brochure site” gives me heartburn. But sometimes you have to pick your battles. In cases where we give in and let the client take the content reins, we at least want to make sure they are equipped with a template that gives them a fighting chance to produce effective website content that drives action. Here is a template we like to use, and an explanation of what’s included.Continue reading

22 WordPress Plugins for Content Marketers

As WordPress continues to dominate the blogging world, I thought it would be helpful to share with you my favorite WordPress plugins for content marketers – plugins that will extend the functionality of your website or blog and expand the reach of your online content. I also hope this post opens dialogue regarding what plugins you are using to reach more eyeballs and bring more value to your audiences.Continue reading

My Pocket-Sized, Content Production Secret

I’m going to let you in on a little secret that helps me keep up with my content production. I’m dictating this article while in my car on my way to a client meeting using the audio recorder on my phone. As marketers, we’re all slammed with a never-ending to-do list. And no matter which side of the table you’re sitting on (corporate side or content service provider), one of the biggest challenges you face with content marketing is finding the time to create good content on a consistent basis. Continue reading

12 Things to Do After You’ve Written a New Blog Post

You can’t expect an audience simply by publishing blog content. Here are 12 ideas to help you promote your posts.