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5 Content Marketing Measurement Don’ts (and What To Do Instead)

Imagine you could prove content marketing’s long-term value in a way the CFO would understand. Avinash Kaushik, formerly of Google, is working to make it possible. For now, he shares five tips to make your metrics more relevant today.

How To Optimize Your Content for Google’s Search Generative Experience 

Google wants to revamp its search results page again. It plans to deliver an even more seamless multifaceted experience to diminish the need to click. Follow these tips to help your content be part of those results.

How To Strengthen Your ‘Change Muscle’ for Your Content Team’s Success

You face a perfect storm of urgent change initiatives. Yet, your team may have change fatigue or lack the capacity to get them done. By proactively planning, you can help overcome those challenges and experience change success.

Why Learning GA4 Is So Hard – And What To Do About It

GA4 is here. It's weird. And you're gonna have to get used to it. Use this guide to finally figure out where to find the reports you need (and how to make sense of them).

Heat Up Your Content Marketing Game During the Summer Lull: 5 Things To Do

People should take vacations. It’s a healthy thing to do. Of course, doing so often disrupts the regular work of the content marketers left behind. When you face a forced lull, do these five things.

This Superpower You Learned in Grade School Can Power Better Content

You learned about verbs in elementary school. Yet too many writers forget the power they possess. Stand out in the proliferation of boring, weak, and ineffective language by slashing through wasted, wimpy verbs.

Beware: Automated AI-Generated Content Can Ruin Everything for Marketers

Marketers in your industry will weaponize automated AI-created content to come after your search traffic and tell your brand’s story. Are you prepared for the fight?

Use These 3 Agile Fixes To Keep Your Marketing Operations Humming

You can’t afford to waste your marketing budget by working the wrong way. Yet, process improvement probably isn’t at the top of your to-do list. Change that today and use these three ideas to make it happen.

AI Content Detection Tools Exist – But Do You Need Them (and Can You Trust Them)?

Does it matter to content marketers if a writer uses ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, or other AI content creation tools? And if it does, what tools can help you in that assessment process? We tested four of them.

5 Newsletter Lessons for More Fruitful Content (and a Community-Building Fail)

Ocean Spray created the Cranberry Club to attract subscribers. But would the holiday berry deliver year-round? Find that answer and other content marketing takeaways from one club member who happens to be a content marketer.

Don’t Miss the Big News Hidden in Google’s Cool AI Tools Announcements

Among the magic announcements from Google this past week came an almost throwaway line that should pique marketers’ interest and response. Here’s a hint: It has to do with AI and search.

Must-Have Checklist To Creating Valuable Content

Successful content marketing strategies take all the guesswork out of execution, letting the creative flourish. To help get the details straight, use this Creating Valuable Content checklist.