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100+ Tools Content Marketers Really Love

Want to be a better content marketer? Don’t overlook the importance of technology. And, as a jumping-off point for your content tech search, check out the favorite tools of your fellow marketers.

How to Make an Amplification Strategy With Shares AND Backlinks

Competition for attention is fierce. Successful content marketing depends on creating and amplifying exceptional content. But social sharing alone won’t do it. Your content needs an amplification strategy.

3 New Content Distribution Tech Trends to Embrace Now [Tools]

You are either keeping up or falling behind. Today's content distribution tactics call for experimenting with many emerging channels, so let's look at how to diversify and empower your content marketing.

How to Stop the Vanity of Your Search Metrics

You publish two blog posts. In one week, one page shows up in 1,500 searches. The other post appears in 850 searches. It’s clear which one is on the right track. Or is it? Don’t deceive yourself with these three search metrics.

Fundamentals Are Essential for Content Success

Average content marketers are far too concerned with the incremental instead of the fundamentals. This industry needs to reset to first principles – and fast. Find out why first principles are more important than best practices.

How to Write a Great Creative Brief

Great content begins with a great creative brief. Documenting your business goals, communication purpose, audience, parameters, etc., in one place is essential. Here’s why and how your brief can make a difference.

11 Things to Do Every Month to Boost Your Conversion Rates

How do you improve your conversion rates month after month? Do these 11 tasks regularly to keep upping the ante because even if your conversion rate outperforms every competitor, you still want better numbers.

How to Make Your Content Powerful in Eyes of Searchers (and Google)

The value of building SEO content is second to none. But keyword optimization is only one step. Learn how to pack your content full of value for targeted searchers, which along with SEO techniques can bring powerful organic results.

Content Readability: A Primer

Poor readability is a signal you’re not looking after your audience. Discover how to make your wealth of ideas and information more accessible to your audience in this step-by-step guide.

3 Content Marketing Strategy Reminders That Lurk in a Surprising Place

What if watching Netflix could improve your content marketing? Learn three lessons (or reminders) discovered while binge-watching a show designed to help short-term housing rental property owners.

The 5 Rules of Video Marketing Success

Not enough marketers are pushing the video medium as hard as they could. For the sake of marketing budgets, audience engagement, ROI, etc., let’s push things forward, and it starts with a new model of video marketing.

Is Your Brand Breaking the Law on Social Media?

Unless you only use original content created by or through your brand on social media, you might be breaking the law. Hashtags and resharing don’t equate permission. Get some insight on what you’re doing wrong and how to make it right.