How Land O’Lakes Found a Mission Greater Than Sales
November 21, 2022
Dennis Shiao
With a new CEO on board, Land O’Lakes embarked on a three-year strategic communications plan to raise her and the brand’s profile. They found a mission greater than sales along the way.
How a Spoonful of Story Helps Even ‘Boring’ Content Go Down [Rose-Colored Glasses]
November 18, 2022
Robert Rose
Mary Poppins had it almost right ¬¬– just find the story and –snap – the content’s job’s a game. Then even the boring tasks you undertake become – well, if not a piece of cake, a more creative endeavor rather than a mundane construction project.
How To Build an Audience by Giving Back – the #BossTalks Story
November 17, 2022
Ann Gynn
The best mentors listen, answer questions, and help. The best content marketers do, too. So #BossTalks, a multichannel content project featuring Salesforce’s unofficial mentor-in-chief Ebony Beckwith, had the ingredients of a smash hit from the start.
How To Make Thought Leadership Content Thoughtful and Leading
November 14, 2022
Greg Levinsky
Most thought leadership content is neither thoughtful nor leading. Forrester’s Lisa Gately explains how to change that at your company.
How NBC Sports Next Medaled in Olympic Content for Kids
November 8, 2022
Ann Gynn
The content team at NBC Sports Next expertly threaded its way through executive moguls and pandemic-related detours to reach Olympic kid-content glory. Here’s how they developed a repeatable process to attract the next generation of viewers.
How an Entrepreneurial Spirit Helps This Content Leader Manage 10 B2B Publications
October 25, 2022
Ann Gynn
Managing 10 B2B media brands sounds like a daunting task. But Sarah Tolle, content director at BWZ, makes it happen by building enviable SME relationships, planning processes, and time-management strategies. Here’s how she makes it all work.
Don't Create 'Cat Food' Content Without Doing This 1 Thing First
October 24, 2022
Meghan Casey
Struggling to develop content ideas that work for your audience AND your business? Here’s how to brainstorm more effectively and quickly.
How Story Packages Help You Scale SME-Driven Thought Leadership Content [Rose-Colored Glasses]
October 21, 2022
Robert Rose
Have you ever waited and waited for SME-driven content only to get 5,000 words explaining something that could have been handled in 500? Architected story packages help you avoid that – and get something you can turn into a whole portfolio of stories.
Why (and How To) Write a Strategy for Your Cause-Related Marketing
October 20, 2022
Ann Gynn
Your brand talks the talk. But does it walk the walk? Many brands take a few steps toward supporting a social cause but falter when it comes to sustaining the focus. What if your content team took the lead? You’d help the brand achieve its cause-related objectives and elevate your importance, too. Here’s...
Digital Brand Compliance: A New Responsibility of Content Marketing
October 18, 2022
Robert Rose
As content grows as a strategic business function, a new market has arisen. It’s a solution that orchestrates and automates the complexities of legal, licensing, compliance, and aspects of managing the quality of brand content.
Foundry 360 Finds ‘Purrfect’ Content Mix With Award-Winning Business Model
October 13, 2022
Ann Gynn
Who said content and sales teams can’t get along? Not former journalist Diane di Costanzo, who leads a unique content practice at Foundry 360. Here’s the inside story of the compelling editorial and repeatable models for success that earned her the 2022 B2C Content Marketer of the Year title.
How To Build a Better Audience Persona (Choose a Detailed or Quick Method)
October 12, 2022
Jodi Harris
To be a great marketer, you must know the people you’re trying to sell it to. Clear, robust marketing personas are an effective and time-tested approach to reach that goal.
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