Slow Your Content Marketing Down
February 27, 2018
Sarah Greesonbach
Much as the slow food movement argues less-but-better food delivers improved health results, the slow content marketing movement believes less-but-better content delivers improved marketing results. Here’s how to go slow.
How to Train a Journalist in Content Marketing
February 16, 2018
Daniel Hatch
Journalists are a great boon to any content marketing team, but some may need a little help adjusting. Follow these eight tips to ensure a good fit for the former journalist and your brand.
Ready to ‘Fire’ Your Content Team?
January 30, 2018
Ann Gynn
Ever had one of those days when you want to fire everybody, figure out what you really need, and then hire (or rehire)? Take it as a signal you need to figure out what isn’t working and how you can fix it. And answer these questions.
3 Simple Tools for Hiring Great Content Creators in Less Time
January 10, 2018
Catalin Zorzini
Do you find hiring great content creators takes too much time? Do you struggle to weed out the vast applicant pool to find quality candidates? Discover some digital tools for a more efficient and effective selection process.
The New Marketing: How to Manage a Media Arm Within Your Company
January 3, 2018
Marcia Riefer Johnston
What does it look like for a brand to run a media organization? Discover the key points learned by Arrow Electronics after it acquired 50-plus media properties and formed Arrow Media Group.
A Take on 3 Confusing Terms: Content Marketing, Content Strategy, Content Marketing Strategy
November 24, 2017
Melanie Seibert
How does content marketing relate to content strategy? And how does content marketing strategy fit in? Decipher the three terms to better understand the importance and relevance of each one.
An Easy-to-Apply Framework to Build Your (New or Mature) Content Marketing Team
November 13, 2017
Michele Linn
Here’s a dirty little secret: Regardless of your content marketing know-how, your program will only work if you have the right people to implement it. How do you do that? Start with this new framework for content marketers.
Building Your Content Marketing Team? 14 Skills for New, Growing, and Mature Programs
November 9, 2017
Michele Linn
Who do you need on your content marketing team to make it successful? Let’s take a step back and first look at what skill areas your content marketing team must cover – for the young, growing, or mature content marketing operations.
Audience Strategist: The New, Critical Role on Your Content Team
November 3, 2017
Robert Rose
Content marketing must provide more than one type of value to be worth the investment. It must provide value across multiple business areas. Are you ready for a new role in addition to the one you have? Enter the audience strategist.
How to Speed Your Climb Out of the Content Marketing Pit of Despair
October 27, 2017
Kim Moutsos
If your perception of content marketing is flirting with disillusionment, getting the right people involved can speed the climb to enlightenment. It may not be The Princess Bride’s Pit of Despair, but no one wants to stay too long.
8 Rules for the Startup Marketer (or Anyone Who Wants to Think Like One)
October 26, 2017
Marcia Riefer Johnston
If you work in a big, established company, a presentation on being a marketer on a small team may not seem to apply to you. But the wisdom extends to anyone who wants better flexibility and performance.
Why Savvy Marketers Close the Pre- and Post-Sale Content Gap
October 19, 2017
Marcia Riefer Johnston
Do your presales and post-sales content teams coordinate efforts for maximum benefit? Or are you like most brands? Presales teams sell. Post-sales teams explain. Rarely the twain shall meet. It doesn’t have to be that way.
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