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Solo Stove Brand Reignites Snoop Dogg With Blunt Marketing

Solo Brands is at it again. Snoop Dogg returns to its smokeless stove ads. But is the campaign different than the viral one that led to the CEO’s departure? Is there something marketers can learn from the new initiative? Yes, to both.
How AI Grades for Influencers Help With Brand Safety

How AI Grades for Influencers Help With Brand Safety

One-fourth of U.S. companies say influencer spending will take 40% of their total marketing budget. How can brands invest in social media personalities who aren't likely to enter into risky political talk? New AI tools can help.
Small Player Wins Big in Brand Games

Small Player Wins Big in Brand Games

A small sports apparel brand made a fresh marketing play that gained global attention and a spot at the Olympics alongside the biggest brands in the world. Take note (and inspiration) to help your marketing game.
How This B2B Company Stole B2C's Sizzle To Heat Up Its Content

How This B2B Company Stole B2C’s Sizzle To Heat Up Its Content

How does your B2B brand create content that stands out from its competitors? Abandon boring and expected and adopt an engaging B2C approach.
What Every B2B Brand Should Know About Influencer Marketing (Pricing Included)

What Every B2B Brand Should Know About Influencer Marketing (Pricing Included)

Businesses are the most trusted entity today. Adding B2B influencer marketing to your owned media strategy can boost that advantage. Learn the benefits, influencer types, estimated pricing, and how to get started today.

Solo Stove Burns Marketing Team Over Snoop Campaign

Solo Brand ousted its CEO for a “disappointing” Snoop Dogg smokeless campaign. But the real disappointment stems from two blunders — one by setting the wrong goals and one by failing to build an audience.

Big Brand Content Examples That Shine, Charm, and (Sadly) Bore

Get three hot takes in emoji form about content from Toyota, KitchenAid, and United Airlines. Then, delve deeper into what worked and what didn’t.

6 Influencer Marketing Metrics To Watch and 5 Tools To Help

Before you ever tap a social media influencer for a marketing campaign, you need the right metrics. And once you engage them, you must scrutinize the analytics even more. Here are six metrics to assess and some tools to help you do so.

Feast on These 9 Content Examples Worthy of Gratitude

We give thanks for great content marketing. Savor these examples from AT&T, Anheuser-Busch, Pepsi, Captain Morgan, and more. They can help your brand do and be better for your audiences.

5 Brands See Big Value in Multi-Billion-Dollar Influencer Marketing Industry

Even if your brand could afford a Super Bowl ad, you may benefit more from a paid influencer marketing strategy. Learn the lessons from five brands that are doing it right.

How To Choose the Best Distribution Channels for Your Content

Thoughtful distribution gives your content its best chance of achieving success. But how do you know which channels and platforms to use? Follow this guide to ensure your choices align with your marketing goals and audience needs.

6 Old-School Techniques To Integrate Into Your Influencer Marketing

Shiny tech tools can be attractive to your influencer marketing program. But don’t forget these old-school techniques that can illuminate your relationship-building success.