How to Measure the Value of Your Subscribers
October 21, 2020
Robert Rose
Great marketing adds value that customers are willing to invest in and that can create wealth for the business. But not all customer investments involve a purchase. Learn and reflect on how you can develop an audience-as-customer business model.
The End of Third-Party Cookies: What Marketers Need to Know
October 6, 2020
Tim Hayden
A customer-centric content experience is the goal. But data management issues and an impending seismic shift may thwart that. Use these approaches to bridge the chasm created when Google, Apple, and others end third-party cookies.
Think Strategically About Your Content Model
September 2, 2020
Robert Rose
How the heck are we ever going to get organized around content? It seems overwhelming. The answer? Be strategic using a combination of these four operating models.
How to Create a Not-Awkward Personalization Strategy
July 20, 2020
Ann Gynn
Is it wrong to use audience data to personalize content? Unless they recognize their relationship with your brand, it can come off as awkward at best and creepy at worst. ContentTECH Summit speakers offer their tips for a smart personalization strategy.
Who Should Be at the Center of Your Sales and Marketing Alignment?
July 14, 2020
Dennis Shiao
Sales and marketing team alignment requires them to put the buyer first. Explore what indicates alignment success. And learn to craft buyer personas that work for sales and marketing using only five insights.
Your Audience Is Not the Same as Your Marketing Database
June 15, 2020
Robert Rose
Your marketing database is NOT your audience. It has a different value. Explore what an audience really is, why it’s valuable to your brand, and how to build one.
Diversity and Content Marketing: How Brands Can Be More Inclusive
June 5, 2020
Ann Gynn
Truly diverse and inclusive content marketing – the kind that resonates with your audience – requires far more than an image. It requires deep thinking, from audience research to team structure, from a style guide to user experience.
14 Experts Share How to Get Support for Content Marketing
April 29, 2020
Amanda Milligan
Great ideas can lead to successful content marketing. But getting support for your ideas can be tough. Discover the biggest mistakes made when pitching to get content marketing buy-in – and how to fix them.
A Small Amount of Data Can Do It for B2B Personalization
January 30, 2020
Dennis Shiao
In B2B marketing, content personalization doesn’t require you to know their shoe size, family situation, pet ownership, or car model. A small amount of data combined with relevant insights can go a long way. Let’s explore.
Now You’re Segmenting With Science: How to Use Quantitative Psychology
December 3, 2019
Paul Longhenry
It’s time to end the guesswork you use to create personas and get to the bottom of how consumers really think and act. And that requires you to segment with science. Here’s what you need to know.
Get the Audience Greenlight: A Lesson From a 19th Century Nurse
October 9, 2019
Dennis Shiao
How did a British nurse get a greenlight, while a Hungarian doctor got a red light for the same lifesaving remedy in the 1800s? It’s a lesson all marketers should heed for their smart, capable, and good audiences.
Ethical Marketing: Are You Crossing the Line?
September 25, 2019
Dennis Shiao
Do you think your terms of service let you use your audience’s personal data any way you want? What about data acquired from third-party sources? If you don’t start from an ethical foundation, you may be headed for trouble.
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