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Custom Research

Insights derived from CMI-custom designed surveys, developed in conjunction with brands.

Visual Content for Social Media

CMI and and VistaCreate partnered on a custom survey to learn how marketers feel about their capabilities to create visual social media content – and how they create and use images on social media organically and within their paid social media advertising efforts. We also tested marketers’ assumptions about visual content versus consumers’ opinions. The results may surprise you.

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Scaling and Measuring Content Marketing to Generate Demand, Measure Audiences

Are you investing in content that goes beyond generating attention—to holding it? Based on the results of CMI’s 2019 Content Marketing for Demand Generation Survey, in its second year sponsored by ScribbleLive, this market brief shows many marketers are using content marketing primarily at the top-of-the-funnel—at a time when it’s crucial to keep the audiences they attract.

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Optimize Content Marketing Performance Through Active Audience Listening
Confidence in our messaging is not the same as confidence in our audience. Recent CMI research conducted with Vennli shows that 64% of marketers are extremely/very confident about selecting the right topics for their content marketing pieces. However, 61% of those same marketers are challenged with knowing what is most important to their audience. How can this be? Robert Rose, CMI’s Chief Strategy Advisor, explores this disconnect and offers four ways to practice active audience listening.

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Using Content Marketing to Generate Demand, Create New Audiences
Learn about demand generation specifically from the content marketer’s perspective. Which technologies do they use? How much content are they creating for each stage of the buyer’s journey beyond creating awareness and interest? How are they measuring success? This market brief, based on original CMI research and authored by Robert Rose, includes guidance for getting optimal results from content marketing to locate new audiences.

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2000px-LinkedIn_Logo.svgContent Marketing and Sales Alignment: Bridging the Gap
CMI’s research with LinkedIn shows that content may be the solution that finally bridges the gap between B2B marketing and sales. According to the research, highly aligned content marketing and sales teams collaborate and communicate much more frequently than companies with low alignment. They’re also able to build a better business case for content marketing (demonstrate results), and therefore, obtain more budget/resources. View the complete report here, which includes best practices for achieving content marketing and sales alignment in your own company.

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The Symphony of Connected Interactive Content Marketing
In 1Q2017, CMI repeated its 2016 survey on interactive content marketing. This paper reports on the findings, showing how, when, and where marketers are using interactive content. Our conclusion? The use of interactive content will only continue to rise. Read the paper for tips on getting started or expanding and connecting interactive content usage.

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Deliver Peak Experiences with Interactive Content
Fifty-three percent of marketers CMI surveyed in 1Q2016 use interactive content, and 75% of those users say they will use more in 2016 vs. 2015. Check out this white paper for additional key findings and best practices for using interactive content.

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advance_ohioIs Native Advertising the New Black?
Results of a 2015 CMI survey that asked content marketers how they are using native advertising for content marketing purposes. The report provides guidance for incorporating native into a content marketing strategy.

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goanimateStart Smart, Scale Up, and Stand Out With Video 
This 2015 CMI study revealed how content marketers manage the business aspects involved with creating videos for content marketing purposes. The findings reveal motivations for using video, outsourcing vs. in-house production habits, budget allocation, and more.

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PRNewswire-1Promoting Your Content Marketing: Time to Orchestrate the Concert of Paid Media
A 2014 CMI survey explored how content marketers use paid methods to distribute content. The report’s focus is on how the most successful respondents set goals for paid distribution and use it to build audiences.

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CMI-authored white papers based on secondary research, conducted on behalf of brands.

adobe_and AC_logo_comboWebinars: They’re Not Just for Leads Anymore
This study explores the reasons why webinars are not being used more often — even though marketers consider them to be among the most effective content marketing tactics — and the ways they can be used more successfully.

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Widen Red Gray Logo RGB (1)Digital Assets Should be Agile, Not Fast
How agile teams, assets and processes create collaborative content, better brands and faster content marketing.

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Widen Red Gray Logo RGB (1)Great Visual Storytelling Takes a Village
How four Cs – collaborate, customize, communicate and connect – help the community of the business manage digital assets.

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northplains_logoDigital Asset Mgt: Three Tickets to the Blockbuster Content Marketing Show
The three best practices we see brands following in order to prepare for and succeed in the new world of digital assets management.

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northplains_logoUsing DAM to Turn Your Content Marketing Up to Eleven
Delve more deeply into the process of digital asset management — and the best practices that can help a brand get more out of moving to a more collaborative environment.

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Interested in partnering with CMI on an original research project? Contact Karen Schopp, sr. strategic account manager, at [email protected].