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How to Unite Brand Storytelling and Marketing Tech

Marketers didn’t invent the tech for bots, mobile apps, and productivity tools, but they can entice their audiences to use them. Welcome to the sweet spot of content and tech, a hybrid embraced by forward-thinking marketers.

How NASCAR Drives Better Storytelling With a Unified Team

Evan Parker led NASCAR’s new content team on a daunting mission: engage and win fans beyond the racetrack. First-year results include almost one billion views, a docu-series, and Evan’s nomination for Content Marketer of the Year.
How Tech Debt is Bankrupting Content Marketing, by Robert Rose.

How Tech Debt Is Bankrupting Content Marketing

Three months shy of its 5th birthday, the company’s digital magazine was killed. The C-suite underestimated the cost of tech upgrades. Content marketing was the victim. Yes, technical debt is now one of your biggest threats.

Your Editorial Calendar Is Not Your Content Marketing Strategy

Stop describing a content marketing strategy by giving details of your editorial plan. They’re not the same. And it’s not just a matter of semantics. It’s a sign of big trouble in your content marketing success. Here’s the remedy.

Content Marketer of the Year Shares the REI Story

Team builders. Innovators. Humble. Results-oriented. Excellence. Those are some of the characteristics of Content Marketer of the Year finalists. Before we roll out the 2018 list, let’s talk to the 2017 winner, REI’s Paolo Mottola.

5 Sources to Inspire Unlimited Content Ideas

Not all ideas worthy of becoming content find us. Most of the time we must find them. Here are five sources that can inspire ideas during any given year.

11 Content Curation and Collaboration Tools to Save You Time

How can you create a system to curate and collaborate on content that doesn’t require more people or waste your time? The answer lies in at least one of these 11 tools.

Digital Asset Management: What It Is and Why You Need It

Navigating all this digital media creates challenges for consumers and enterprises alike. Though for different purposes, consumers and marketers want to find and use them when and where they want. Digital asset management is a must.

How to Find a Writer Who Won’t Kill Your Content

Your writers are the ultimate arbiters of content quality. If they mangle the piece, it’s typically for one of two reasons – they aren’t the right writer or you’re feeding them garbage. Here’s how to fix both problems.

Want More Productivity? Make Your Strategy Visual

It’s not enough to assign due dates to the elements of your content marketing strategy. Your team needs a constant and visual reminder of what needs to be accomplished and when. Follow these three steps to create a visualized strategy.

What’s Accuracy Got to Do With Social Media?

Fast facts, quick quotations, and stat snippets are popular social content drivers. They’re easy to produce, attention-grabbing, and highly shareable. Unfortunately, accuracy is the first casualty in this did-you-know social content.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Editorial Mission Statements

Know what the ugly is of editorial mission statements? Too many brands don’t have one. Ready to create or refine yours? Take note of the good and the bad from these three examples so your brand’s editorial mission statement is great.