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How to Use Scrum for Content Marketing

Once a tech-focused Agile framework, Scrum has a role in content marketing. Learn the terms, framework, and implement tips that can bring transparency, critical review, and adaptation to your content team’s work.

7 Content Marketing Tasks to Automate Right Now

Marketing automation is no longer optional – it’s a mainstay of modern marketing. Here’s help on where to get started. Check out these tools to automate the mundane and free you to think more strategically.

Need Creative Content Ideas? Break These 6 ‘Rules’

The most interesting ideas come from flipping expectations on their head, breaking molds, and taking risks. Learn how to do that in the new Mastering Content Marketing video and read six rules you should set about breaking.

Build a Great Brand: Align What You Think, Do, and Say

Content marketers need to elevate every conversation to something greater than a marketing tactic. Doing that is the only way to win and keep the audience’s attention. Read on to learn about the think, do, say strategy.

3 Easy Ways Content Marketers Can Provide Instant Value to the Sales Teams

Do you treat sales as another marketing channel? You should want to support the revenue-generating team and to extend content’s value for your brand. Here are three easy ways content marketers can support the sales team.

100+ Tools Content Marketers Really Love

Want to be a better content marketer? Don’t overlook the importance of technology. And, as a jumping-off point for your content tech search, check out the favorite tools of your fellow marketers.

How to Write a Great Creative Brief

Great content begins with a great creative brief. Documenting your business goals, communication purpose, audience, parameters, etc., in one place is essential. Here’s why and how your brief can make a difference.

Is Your Corporate Culture Conducive to Content Success?

Today’s successful marketers recognize the need to shift their brand’s mindset to create a culture that promotes more innovative, responsive, and meaningful consumer connections. Here’s how that’s happening.

How to Make Your Content Stand Out in a Crowded, Global Marketplace

If your brand operates in countries where English is not the native language, make your content a differentiator – localize it. Follow these tips to build a successful multi-language content marketing team.

Simple Tips to Make Better Use of Your Content Audit

You’ve done the content inventory. But now what? Follow these actionable tips on what to look for within the data, how to find hidden content gems, and how to use it to guide your content marketing strategy.

5 Tools to Help Your Content Marketing Team Be Better

No matter the configuration, a well-trained in-house content marketing team is a competitive advantage. But what makes a team exceptional? It is all in how you grow it. Here are five tools and a few tips to help in those efforts.

3 Ways You Sabotage Your Content Tech Search

Why do we as content marketers struggle to get the right technology in place? It’s not a lack of options. Explore three ways you make the tech-selection process harder (and how to fix it).