Before You Start an AI Strategy, Make the Case To Stop
December 5, 2023
Robert Rose
Generative AI’s integration in your marketing usually doesn’t save your team time. It just adds new items to the workload. So, if you truly want to succeed, you must identify what you’ll stop doing to start the other thing.
How To Snap Out of This Year’s Malaise – and Get Inspired for 2024 Content
November 28, 2023
Robert Rose
All the disruption this year may have you feeling uneasy about your content work. But you can head into 2024 with a spirit of innovation, creativity, and inspiration with this renewed case for strategic content.
Do You Treat Your Audience Like Your Marketing Database? That’s a Mistake
November 14, 2023
Robert Rose
Modern marketing teams recognize the value of building an audience. But what does that really mean? Haven’t content marketers already been doing that? Well, not always, because too many treat a marketing database as an audience.
How Volvo Penta’s Adventurous Campaign Shook Up Marine Leisure Marketing
November 9, 2023
Kim Moutsos
To reach a younger, more diverse audience, Volvo Penta’s agency dove into an innovative content strategy. The resulting videos and supporting campaign earned millions of viewers, changed industry conversations, won an award, and earned a spot on the Content Marketing Project of the Year finalist list....
How One Content Leader Launched a 150-Year Old Brand Into the Modern Era
November 1, 2023
Dawn Papandrea
R. Ethan Braden revamped Purdue University's old-fashioned comms team to enchant audiences with captivating content – and doubled the school's commitment to marketing. Here's a look at his content approach – and why he's the 2023 B2C Content Marketer of the Year.
How The Humane Society Makes Emotional Connections Through Print and Digital Content
October 19, 2023
Dawn Papandrea
Combining cute puppy images and hard-hitting advocacy requires deft hands. It’s a challenge the Humane Society content team manages year after year. Here’s how Emily Hamlin Smith, Content Marketer of the Year finalist, makes it happen.
Social Media’s Decline Creates Opportunity for Events (If Done the Right Way)
October 17, 2023
Robert Rose
As social media becomes less social and more media, you can still capitalize on the human desire to socialize. Events offer one way to do that. Just remember to craft a strategy for the content regardless of the channel.
How a Dash of Familiarity Makes Controversial Content More Palatable
October 10, 2023
Robert Rose
Controversial content topics get attention – for better or worse. To earn the best kind, try balancing these four elements: surprise, familiarity, consensus, and controversy. This new framework can help.
Buyers Want To Trust Content. But Do They Value Yours? [New Research]
October 6, 2023
Content Marketing Institute Team
The 2023 Trust in Marketers research finds buyers generally trust brands’ content. But they also are less likely to find value in it. How can you bridge that gap? The answer’s pretty simple. (Well, maybe.)
3 Questions To Help You Evolve Your Content and Marketing [CMWorld Recap]
October 5, 2023
Stephanie Stahl
The big Content Marketing World takeaway: You don’t need radical change to evolve your content marketing program. But you do need to make decisions that help you understand your mission better, find surprises in the familiar, and take a scientific approach to change. Ask these questions to get start...
How To Build a Content-Driven, Audience-Centric Content Strategy
October 3, 2023
Robert Rose
What does it mean to build a truly audience-centric content strategy? For the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, it meant rethinking everything (in pursuit of a noble ultimate goal). Learn how they did it in this excerpt from Robert Rose’s new book.
The Ecopreneurs: A Win-Win-Win-Win for Salesforce, FORTUNE Brand Studio, Entrepreneurs, and Audiences
September 27, 2023
Ann Gynn
Salesforce and FORTUNE Brand Studio partnered to create The Ecopreneurs, an 11-episode series for Salesforce+ whose impact went far beyond the streaming platform. Here’s how this Project of the Year finalist turned long-form storytelling into big results.
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