Account-Based Marketing: What Content Marketers Need to Know
April 24, 2017
Ann Gynn
Webinar day arrived. Six people attended. A content marketing disaster. Yet, that webinar campaign was the most effective one to influence the deals that got done. How? Account-based marketing. CMWorld presenter Joe Chernov explains.
What to Do When Your Buyers’ Journey Isn’t Linear (Hint: It Never Is)
April 17, 2017
Ann Gynn
Your buyers may take a journey, but they rarely follow a straight-line path. So how can you reach them with the right content when they want it and where they’ll find it? Read on.
Cognitive Content Marketing: The Path to a More (Artificially) Intelligent Future
April 13, 2017
Paul Roetzer
How much time does your team spend discovering keywords; planning, personalizing, and automating content; and more? Imagine if a machine performed the majority of the activities and a marketer’s role was to enhance rather than create.
5 Questions to Ask Your Customer Support Team to Help Build Buyer Personas
April 11, 2017
Kane Jamison
The customer support team knows why people contact your company. Do you? Reach out to your customer support team members to better understand your audience so you can improve your buyer personas and deliver more relevant content.
New Way to Build Personas Over Time
April 11, 2017
Andrea Fryrear
The era of agile is here, and personas need to change with the times. This in-depth Q&A shows you how to produce a minimum viable persona, and then build it up as you learn about your audience.
Why You Need a Content Funnel For Your Content Product
April 9, 2017
Daniel Hochuli
Following a purchase funnel to shape your content marketing goals sets you up for limited success. Not all content subscribers will become customers. That’s why you need to create and add a content marketing funnel to your program.
Simplify Your Content Marketing Strategy with a One-Page Plan
April 7, 2017
George Stenitzer
A content marketing program is more likely to succeed when it has a documented marketing strategy. Don’t wait another minute. Create a comprehensive one-page content marketing strategy today. Here’s how.
What Is the Difference Between Content and Content Marketing?
April 3, 2017
Michael Brenner
Stop creating content. Start creating a content brand. Discover why just because content is everywhere, it isn’t enough. Learn why content marketing success really requires owning the destination for all your audience-building content.
Align Your Messaging With This Simple Tool
January 28, 2016
Marcia Riefer Johnston
What’s your company's most distinctive trait? What’s the main reason people should do business with your company? Do you know? Does your company? Build a message architecture to align your organization’s content with this simple tool.
Study Reveals 8 Tips on How to Influence Behavior With Personalized Content
December 22, 2015
Karen Ronning-Hall
Personalized content has the power to change addictive behaviors. Learn how to apply these eight tips gleaned from a study on smoking cessation to tap into the potential impact that personalized content can have on your audiences.
Personalize? Or Persona-ize? Yes!
May 14, 2015
Marcia Riefer Johnston
Should we aim our content at personas or at persons? Scott Abel and Robert Rose tackle the question. Their answers might surprise you.
October 30, 2014
David Anthony
Explore best practices for setting clear goals, building your audience understanding, and establishing a content mission that will help support your brand storytelling efforts and drive successful results.
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