Content Readability: A Primer
October 15, 2018
Steve Linney
Poor readability is a signal you’re not looking after your audience. Discover how to make your wealth of ideas and information more accessible to your audience in this step-by-step guide.
Why You Need Vertical Visuals If Your Audience is Mobile
October 9, 2018
Robert Katai
Most people hold their smartphone or tablet vertically. When they view content, they usually keep it in the same mode. That’s why successful content marketers are paying attention to vertical content (Hint: It’s about more than IGTV).
The 5 Rules of Video Marketing Success
October 8, 2018
Amir Bazrafshan
Not enough marketers are pushing the video medium as hard as they could. For the sake of marketing budgets, audience engagement, ROI, etc., let’s push things forward, and it starts with a new model of video marketing.
Brands Often Overlook This Superhero of Storytelling
October 2, 2018
Jonathan Crossfield
Comics aren’t just SMASH, WHAM, KAPOW! One of the oldest mediums is one of the most powerful and overlooked in content marketing. Yet some brands are working with top comics creators and publishers such as Marvel Comics.
Research Tells You How to Pick Better Images for Social Media
September 25, 2018
Manish Dudharejia
Sure, you already use images. But are you selecting the best ones to engage your audience based on what’s shown to be successful overall and each platform’s unique factors? Read on for research-based tips and examples.
How to Be an Agent of Change: Examples From Top Content Marketing Award Winners
September 6, 2018
Stephanie Stahl
When it comes to embracing change and moving forward in a more positive direction, we can all learn a few lessons from these winners and finalists from this year's Content Marketing Awards.
No Celebrities Required: How to Create Great Influencer Content
August 27, 2018
Cathy McPhillips
Discover the keys to creating a successful piece of influencer-based content without a Kardashian in sight. Content Marketing World shares the behind-the-scenes process for its annual influencer e-book.
How LinkedIn Spun to the Top of Search for LinkedIn Marketing
August 24, 2018
Carla Johnson
Five years ago, LinkedIn wasn’t the top result for searches related to LinkedIn for marketing. That’s changed as this Content Marketer of the Year finalist and team went from a single song to a symphony of multimedia jams.
Get Your Readers to Stay Longer With These 4 Formats
August 20, 2018
Julia McCoy
You need to work hard to keep people on your pages. Which content formats are inherently readable and absorbing? Which ones make your readers subconsciously scroll down the page? Here are four to take for a spin.
Discover the Real Value of the E Word (and How to Embrace It)
August 13, 2018
Andrew Davis
Great content isn’t about being more clickable, more “like”-able, more shareable. Like a good book, truly great content is unputdownable. Here’s how to engage in captivating – and effective – ways.
5 Psychological Insights to Improve Your Content Marketing
July 31, 2018
Louisa McGrath
Using psychology to inform your content marketing isn’t sneaky trickery. It’s a smart way to create a better experience for your audience (and your brand). Here are five principles to know and how to apply them to your content.
‘Stay Scrappy’ and More Wisdom on Creativity From a Pixar Animator
July 26, 2018
Marcia Riefer Johnston
Want to spark innovation, influence perceptions, and inspire people to believe in your organization’s values and brand? Take some tips from a 20-year Pixar animator who also has worked with big B2B brands.
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