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Intelligent Content Webinars

The Content Marketing Institute is pleased to partner with industry thought leaders to bring you webinars that are relevant to content marketers and the intelligent content space.


Critical Content: Adapting Your Processes and Content for Global Markets
Now On Demand | Free Webinar

The world becomes more complicated as you expand globally. Competing corporate demands for global consistency and local demands for relevancy can hurt engagement and put your brand at risk by delivering inconsistent messages and customer experiences across markets. Your need for content that is timely, relevant and effective also makes developing the balance between global and local messaging harder.

Please join two subject matter experts, Connor Robinson, Solution Architect from Lionbridge and Val Swisher, CEO/founder of Content Rules, for a webinar to discover how to strengthen your connection to global consumers by:

  • Delivering relevance on a global scale
  • Focusing on stakeholder engagement
  • Developing content with local needs in mind
  • Analyzing performance from both sides

Our Guests:

  • Val Swisher, CEO, Content Rules (@valswisher)
  • Connor Robinson, Solution Architect, Lionbridge Technologies (@simplyminimal)
  • Robert Rose, Chief Strategy Officer, Content Marketing Institute (@Robert_Rose)

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thismomentFor One To One You Need Many: Scaling Content Strategies Across Devices
Now On Demand | Free Webinar

Delivering relevant content to individual personas is difficult enough. Doing it over multiple devices has become a frustrating war of escalation. Every day, it seems, that new hardware and software platforms require businesses to re-format their content in different ways. But today’s successful businesses aren’t scaling by devices, they’re scaling their content strategy. Let’s look at the best practices of businesses that are scaling their content efforts – and the methods of creating taxonomies, data strategies, and technologies that are helping to accomplish that.

Additionally, we’ll look at real-life examples from both the B2C and B2B world where companies are scaling their content across multiple devices, while simultaneously delivering better, more relevant experiences for their customers.

Our Guests:

  • Robert Rose, Chief Strategy Officer, Content Marekting Institute (@Robert_Rose)
  • Dan Kimball, CMO, thismoment (@thismoment)

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Acrolinx-logo-jpgContent Marketing at Scale: When is Enough, Enough?
Now On Demand | Free Webinar

We’re overwhelmed. The deluge of content that started just a few years ago is now avalanching through most organizations growing larger, faster, and in some cases, destroying things in its path. Important things like brand, credibility and voice.

The insatiable demand for content has most marketing teams perplexed. Struggling to feed the ever-increasing demand for “more content”, they have re-defined processes, and re-organized teams around creating more stuff. But, is that really the answer and at what point, is enough, enough?

If you and your organization struggle with this critical issue of content quantity over quality, this webinar is right for you.

Please join two of the foremost experts on content marketing, Robert Rose and Dr. Andrew Bredenkamp, as they discuss 5 mistakes organizations make as they scale their content marketing and what they should do about it:

  1. There is no such thing as neutral content. There’s a rude awakening waiting for companies who once believed that they can overcompensate for quality with quantity as they will quickly see their audiences tune-out, opt-out and drop-out. Organizations today must focus on great content experiences to differentiate their brand.
  2. Over-analyzing your buyer journey. Trying to create “Google Street View” details about complex human behavior is futile. Too many companies are falling into the trap of over-analyzing the steps and under-delivering on the experiences along the way.
  3. Under-estimating your buyer personas. Peter Drucker once said, “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself”. Unfortunately, too many marketing teams overlook this critical first step and wonder why their content marketing falls flat.
  4. Thinking only marketing creates content. Most marketers are shocked when they realize how much “non-marketing” content impacts their customers and how often this content (training, support, documentation) sounds like it’s from a different company.
  5. The role of technology and the right tools for the right job. The overwhelming focus on marketing automation has led too many teams to focus on distribution and automation. But, without good content experiences, they have simply optimized the rate at which their audience will disengage.

Our Guests:

  • Robert Rose, Chief Strategy Officer, Content Marekting Institute (@Robert_Rose)
  • Dr. Andrew Bredenkamp, Founder and Chairman, Acrolinx (@abredenkamp)

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Acrolinx-logo-jpgContent Controversies: 5 Big Challenges
Now On Demand | Free Webinar

Join The Content Wrangler, Scott Abel and Dr. Andrew Bredenkamp as they unpack five of the biggest, ugliest, and complex challenges facing content professionals today.

This webinar will prove to be highly engaging as two of the most respected leaders go deep on the most controversial and critical topics facing every content professional including:

  • Does everyone work for marketing now? How to expand content marketing to your entire organization
  • Does the customer journey have a finish line? Mythbusting current perceptions on the role of content throughout the sales funnel
  • Does tone matter? How to lighten up without losing control


trackmaven210 Steps to Creating Better Content in 2015
On Demand | Free Webinar

These days everyone is rushing to create more and more content. And technology has made it easier to distribute the content broadly. But your buyers can’t consume any more now than in the past. This makes it harder – and more important than ever – to create content that cuts through the noise.

In this webinar we’ll share some of the most practical tips to help kickstart your content in 2015. We’ve analyzed millions of blog and social media posts to nail down exactly what makes the best marketing content shine.

dmcs_logo_blackCreating a Content Strategy with Data at the Core
On Demand | Free Webinar

Content marketing has revolutionized the way brands speak to and engage their audiences. Done right, it can move the most active prospects and customers through every stage of their purchase lifecycle. But done blindly, without the insights to fuel a deep understanding of your audience, their objectives, and their behaviors, your content is doomed to fail.

Join Demand Media and CMI to learn everything you need to know about designing, implementing and optimizing a smart content strategy with data at the core.

icc_email_logoContent Marketing Meets Intelligent Content: The Making of “The Language of Content Strategy”
On Demand | Free Webinar

Time is in short supply. Deadlines are tight. Resources, even tighter. If you’re like most content professionals, you’ve got dozens of great ideas, but not enough time, money, and experience to bring them to life. But it doesn’t have to be this way.  Attend this session to learn how two seasoned content strategists enlisted the help of 50 knowledgeable experts to create a printed book, an eBook, a companion website, and educational flash cards—in record time—all from a single source of intelligent content.  Now On Demand