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Getting There: How Brands, Publishers, and Agencies Use Content Analytics [White Paper]

Parsely_getting-there-report-coverPublishers, brands and agencies are currently operating in a content-rich media ecosystem. And all content (and the audiences that consume it) leaves behind a footprint of data and analytics.

We wanted to know what action was being taken with this data and where the gaps still exist between accessing data and implementing the insights.

This report is a comprehensive look at the state of accessing, understanding, and applying data to content strategy. Survey respondents revealed metrics they consider most useful, the siloed state of their offices when it comes to data access, and how their analytics end up impacting the content they create.

Topics covered in the report include:

  • Why data access doesn’t always equal data literacy
  • What success looks like for brands vs. publishers
  • Which metrics brands and publishers find least useful
  • Diagnosing the analytics hang-ups
  • Tying analytics to production


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