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Build This New Framework for Agile Content Ops in Talent-Starved Times

Budget pressures, unaligned teams, and a stew of content, tech, data, and AI integration challenges have marketers looking for help. Consider a talent cloud approach, which uses external assistance to build internal skills.

Prompts Aren’t All That: Give Generative AI a Better Role in Creating Great Content

Knowing how to create prompts for generative AI is akin to knowing how to create HTML codes in the early days of websites. Find out why prompt engineering shouldn’t be a must-have skill for high-quality content marketers.

Big Brand Content Examples That Shine, Charm, and (Sadly) Bore

Get three hot takes in emoji form about content from Toyota, KitchenAid, and United Airlines. Then, delve deeper into what worked and what didn’t.

How To Tame Content Tasks With These 5 ‘Cheat Codes’ [AI Not Required]

Working with generative AI tools can help, but they aren’t the only tools to get more efficient. Here are human-created tips, templates, and cheat sheets for content strategy, management, creation, and optimization.

For Better Content Leadership, Don’t Blame – Try Cultivating Instead

Don’t sabotage your year by blaming yourself or your team for something that isn’t working well or punishing everybody with an “improvement” plan. Instead, take this less-traveled path to success.
A woman looking at data represents how important attention metrics will be in marketing in 2024.

Forget Likes and Downloads: This Is 2024’s Ultimate Marketing Metric

The debut episode of CMI’s series What’s New features an old marketing metric that's back in a new way for 2024. Robert Rose explains why it’s hot once again – and how you can start tracking it.

How Content Helped ServiceNow Grow From Startup to Global Brand

Six years after Richard Murphy created a thought leadership strategy for ServiceNow, the brand has grown to over $8 billion in revenue. Here’s how the 2023 Content Marketer of the Year and his team helped the brand achieve that.

6 Ways To Elevate the Text-to-Audio Experience for Your Content

Don’t think you can just plug and play an AI audio tool to convert your text into audio. It requires you to up your game – and learn some new tricks. Follow these tips to add a new delivery channel for your audience.

Beyond Resolutions: What’s Your Word for 2024?

Selecting a word for 2024 can work better than making resolutions. The word becomes a theme or intention rather than a set of rules you will likely break. Here’s an option for marketers in 2024.

’Twas the Night Before Break (2023 Edition)

Ghosts from marketers’ past and present pop up again and disrupt the magic until an authentic guy appears in this Content Marketing Institute poetic tradition.

10 Content Marketing Articles Readers (Like You) Loved This Year

Short on time? Here’s a cheat sheet for the 10 most popular articles for the Content Marketing Institute audience. You’ll see something for everyone to improve their content marketing programs, from trends to evergreen fundamentals.

7 Generative AI Prompts To Help Your Content Marketing Workflows

AI tools generated a nauseating amount of attention this year. But now’s not the time to get sick of it. Instead, consider these seven helpful prompts to make generative AI work for your content and marketing.