Personal Branding Success in 15 Steps
October 27, 2009
Joe Pulizzi
Dan Schawbel has put together a first-rate magazine about personal branding called (of course) Personal Branding Magazine. The latest issue includes an article from yours truly, which I’ve included below. I also included one of my PowerPoint presentations when I do in-person workshops on...
Why Content Marketing? - The Video
October 22, 2009
Joe Pulizzi
Gijs Daemen from Merge Media, a Netherlands-based content marketing shop, did a bang-up job putting this video together on content marketing. The original presentation was directed to his customers in the Netherlands.
Questions I answer in the video:
What is Content Marketing?
Why Content Marketing? ...
Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) on Content Marketing and Growing Your Business
October 19, 2009
Joe Pulizzi
Gary Vaynerchuck, author of the new book Crush it! and the popular Wine Library TV (where he gets over 100,000 viewers a day), was kind enough to put this video together on content marketing for the Junta42 audience. Thanks Gary!
A quick overview:
Most important message to his followers: Patience. It...
Creating Consistent Content – A Content Marketing Plan
October 16, 2009
Joe Pulizzi
The following is a guest post courtesy of Russell Sparkman from Fusionspark Media, a new media communications company based in Washington state. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Russell on a number of projects, most recently their amazingly successful New Media 2012 conference.
As you will...
Content Marketing / Custom Publishing Research - Marketers Telling the Story
October 13, 2009
Joe Pulizzi
Really interesting study on content marketing and custom publishing research led by King Fish Media with help from Hubspot, Upshot and Junta42.
(Note: the study requires name and email to download and the 20-page eBook can be downloaded here).
Here are the highlights from the 189 marketing professionals...
The 4 Step Content Strategy Program - Content Strategy Simplified
October 7, 2009
Joe Pulizzi
Let's face it. Content strategy is not easy. Actually, it's pretty difficult.
Those that regularly read this blog know I've been covering it more recently:
Content Strategy Comes Before Social Media
20 Questions to Ask Before Launching a Content Marketing Project
The B.E.S.T....
Help Me Help You - Spend Content Marketing Money
September 29, 2009
Joe Pulizzi
Well, first the bad news.
After months of trying to work this out, the winner of Junta42’s $4200 in 42 Days Contest, 48HourPrint, decided not to move forward with their project. (for those of you who don’t remember, every project match that went through the Junta42 system over a 42 day period...
How can I get more people to my website?
September 25, 2009
Joe Pulizzi
Somewhat interesting Bloomberg video from Ad legend Jerry Della Femina on the future of advertising and ad agencies.
The key points:
The advertising industry is not run by creative anymore, but the bean counters.
The “good-old days” for advertising is over – where they used to make...
The New Lead Generation is in Membership Programs
September 23, 2009
Joe Pulizzi
Had an interesting conversation with Texterity president Martin Hensel regarding lead generation programs (specifically for BtoB markets) and how they are changing before our eyes.
Now, all lead generation programs are different, but they basically run this way (yes, very simplistic to all you lead generation...
20 Questions to Ask before You Launch Your Content Project
September 18, 2009
Joe Pulizzi
As usual, Seth has done it again.
I’ve taken Seth’s questions to ask on launching your next website and adapted them a bit for content marketing. As you put your next content plan together, use these questions. You won’t be sorry. Enjoy!
What is the goal of the content marketing project?
Social Media Starts with a Content Strategy
September 17, 2009
Joe Pulizzi
Had the pleasure of giving this presentation for Virtual MENG (Marketing Executives Networking Group) yesterday on social media and content marketing.
Some key takeaways from the presentation:
The key to social media is understanding that no one cares about you. They care about themselves. If...
Six Steps to Content Marketing Execution Success
September 14, 2009
Joe Pulizzi
Just finished this last post on content strategy before content marketing, then saw this perfect post from Seth Godin. It really puts what we are trying to accomplish with content marketing in perspective.
Seth maps out six specific steps when it comes to success. Let’s take these steps and relate...
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