A Marketer's Guide to Social Media - 8 Keys to Success
March 11, 2010
Joe Pulizzi
I participated in an amazing social media webinar today from MENG. The expert roundtable included members of the newly formed MENG Social Media Council (Mack Collier, Paul Dunay, Beth Harte, Drew McLellan, Amber Naslund and myself).
Here are eight key social media points from the session:
Start with...
Content Marketing in Slovenia
March 10, 2010
Joe Pulizzi
Interesting interview with Primoz Inkret and Igor Savic from Poslovni Mediji (Business Media) in Slovenia. Some points covered include:
The use of the term content marketing in Slovenia, talking about the move from corporate magazines to integrated corporate content.
Traditional media usage in Slovenia,...
Rethinking Print as Part of the Content Strategy: Fortune, APA Proving Print is Not Dead
March 4, 2010
Joe Pulizzi
I just took three flights to get to Slovenia.
On each flight and in all the waiting areas, I saw people holding, reading and engaging in print magazines.
Then, I spent the day listening to the state of content marketing in Europe at POMP Forum 2010 conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Here’s what...
What's Your Brand Story? - Moleskine Endures through Storytelling
March 3, 2010
Joe Pulizzi
My content marketing friends, Igor Savic and Primoz Inkret from Poslovni Mediji (Business Media) in Slovenia, were nice enough to give me a branded Moleskine notebook on my arrival to their beautiful country.
I’ve heard of Moleskine before, but now I know their story.
Included inside the legendary...
Brands as Publishers - Where's Your Content Strategy?
February 26, 2010
Joe Pulizzi
Just returned back from Online Marketing Summit 2010 where the statement “brands as publishers” almost seemed overused. Although we’ve been talking about that on this blog for three years now and in more detail in Get Content Get Customers, this is the first time I’ve heard this...
Why Brands Fail at Content Marketing - Not Quite Niche Enough via GaryVee
February 19, 2010
Joe Pulizzi
Please take one minute and ten seconds to watch this clip from Gary Vaynerchuk.
If you think that you are doing all the right things in your content marketing, but you or your brand are still not seeing success, this is probably the reason: You are not looking low enough, niche enough. Search...
Goodwill Develops Video Series with Miss DC: The Fashionista Drives Sales
February 15, 2010
Joe Pulizzi
Who knew you could find the latest and greatest fashions at….Goodwill?
District of Columbia Goodwill and my friends at Stella Pop teamed up for a three-part video series on DC Goodwill Fashionista (DC Goodwill’s blog). The concept: Redecorate Miss DC 2009’s apartment with only things...
Seven Ways to Position Yourself for Unlimited Work
February 9, 2010
Joe Pulizzi
As Junta42 continues to grow, we’ve started to branch out and hire freelancers and form partnerships. What I’ve learned through this process is that the way I make decisions on who I buy from or partner with has completely changed from just a few years ago.
Whether you are an experienced...
Social Media Usage in Content Marketing Jumps 500% in Two Years
February 3, 2010
Joe Pulizzi
As a follow up to our 2010 Junta42 Content Marketing Study, we’ve been doing some comparisons between content marketing product usage in 2010 versus 2008. The findings are interesting, to say the least.
Here are the highlights:
Significant Increases in Content Distribution
Social Media (i.e.,...
5 Keys to Success with Content Marketing
January 28, 2010
Joe Pulizzi
Here’s a content marketing interview with me conducted by J-P de Clerck. I like the way J-P summed up the key successes and failures in content marketing for me. Hope they are helpful.
The keys to success in content marketing:
Understanding the informational needs of your customers
Knowing how...
SEO and content marketing: Creating content with keywords in mind
January 27, 2010
Joe Pulizzi
Thanks to Emily Thompson, online marketing coordinator for Kutenda Online Marketing Software, for this week’s guest post.
Couple thoughts I (Joe) had while reading this. First, you need to understand your brand persona first and foremost when it comes to SEO and content marketing. In other words,...
Forget the Buyer Persona...What's Your Brand Persona?
January 26, 2010
Joe Pulizzi
I had an excellent podcast interview with Kim Albee from Genoo yesterday (it will be up in a week or so) where we talked in detail about content marketing and authenticity.
The first step in being authentic in your content marketing and social media? Understanding who YOU are. What’s your brand...
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