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4 Steps to Zap Article Chaos (Now and Forever)

I admit it. I had article chaos. Yup. Ideas here. Outlines there. Half-baked articles everywhere. Article chaos drove me nuts I’d spend hours trying to come up with a finished article. I spent forever trying to locate an idea I had six months ago. Then a goof-proof idea hit meContinue reading

How to Measure Engagement

With the help of our CMI contributors, we’re tackling how to make content more engaging, which was the biggest challenge identified in the new research about B2B Content Marketing. Over the past two weeks, our contributors answered these questions: First things first – what does engaging mean...

How To Plan a Video Budget

Content marketing clients interested in incorporating video into their publishing understandably start by asking the question, “how much does a video cost?” There’s no easy answer, of course. My own answer is usually prefaced with the analogy of trying to answer the question of “how much does it cost...

Five Corporate Blog Must-Haves

One of the most common questions I am asked is, “What does it take to have a successful corporate blog?” While there are probably thousands of articles answering that question from an editorial perspective, the amount of information that exists from an operational perspective pales in comparison. And...

Content Marketing R&D

We’ve just added a new budgeting line item in our marketing plan: Content Marketing Research & Development (R&D). What’s the idea? Let’s start with the content marketing strategy.  Of course, we have: Customer Personas Their Informational Needs The Content Strategy Calls to...

Content Marketing Group Therapy: How Minor Design Changes Impacted an eNewsletter

A few weeks ago, I introduced you to Graham Kilshaw from Interference Technology. If you recall, Graham had recently launched an eNewsletter targeted at advertisers and prospects of his publication. He was having some success but he was certain he could improve what he was doing. I shared his story,...

8 Ways to Leverage Locals for Your Content Marketing Localization

As many of you have seen in the recent B2B Content Marketing: 2010 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends report, you’re not alone in stressing out about consistently producing fresh, interesting and varied content. Yet, I’d wager there’s something that can get you up and pacing an even deeper hole in the office...

The 80/20 Rule of Corporate Content

I was reading a book last night with my two boys right before bedtime. In the story was a girl named Jan. Jan was new at school and was trying to make friends with the other children. Unfortunately, no one wanted to play with Jan, as she was left alone on the swing by herself during playtime. Why? Jan...

10 Ways to Make Content More Engaging

With the help of our CMI contributors, we’re tackling how to make content more engaging, which was the biggest challenge identified in the new research about B2B Content Marketing. Last week, our contributors answered the question, “First things first – what does engaging mean to you?“ This...

How to Repurpose Blogs into Articles

My firm recently launched a curated content site featuring new and recycled articles from our team and summaries of externally created content. For this post, I’d like to share our process for re-purposing blogs into articles.Continue reading

Strategic Pillars to Help Your Content Marketing Strategy

Congratulations – you’ve diligently completed the Discovery phase of your content strategy with a thorough content inventory/audit and a manageable set of informed, objective(ish) personas. Now you’re ready to dig into tactics. Whoa, not so fast… If you’ve done any brainstorming before, you’ll know the...

Is Quality Content Enough?

Brian Solis and Vocus just released a research report about what marketing executives think of online influence. When asked what the single most important action a brand can take to increase their influence online, 50% of marketers answered – create and share compelling content. This research is...