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How to Create Content That Engages At Face-to-Face Meetings

When marketers think of the reasons why they need great content, they often think about their online marketing programs, but content is just as important for in-person meetings and events. In fact, great content, whether it’s a formal session or an informal hallway conversation, is the lifeblood of successful...

How to Find Content Ideas in Your Web Analytics Report

Did you know that your Web analytics application is a wealth of information when it comes to generating ideas for new content? If you are like many people I know, you may look at the top 10 or 20 keywords to give you a good macro view of the search phrases people used to find your site. However, looking...

How To Effectively Manage the Content Marketing Process

One of the most popular questions we get at the Content Marketing Institute is how to effectively manage the content marketing process.  Although there are many ways to go about resourcing for content marketing projects within an organization, here are six keys to making it happen.Continue reading

Three Easy Steps to Add Podcasts to Your Blog

Too often new, and seasoned, bloggers focus on only one type of content: blog posts. Blog posts are great, and if written well enough, with great keyword rich headlines, you can generate positive search engine rankings and traffic. However, straight text is not the only type of content you need to create....

How to Develop Content Based on A Need Stage

There has been lots of good discussion about the role of content and the “sales funnel.” For instance, Robert Rose had a two-part  series on segmenting based on personas and lead stage. There are also good arguments to flip or even forget the funnel. Seth Godin and Joseph Jaffee have written...

How to Become an Effective Podcaster Using the Interview Format

You may be surprised how willing people in your industry will be to be a guest on your podcast. The podcast medium lends itself well to busy schedules because your guest can be on your podcast show from the comfort of any location that has an Internet connection. A typical podcast interview lasts between...

7 Reasons NOT to do Content Marketing

It seems everyone is jumping on the content marketing bandwagon these days. Even though we are indeed all publishers today, and that content marketing is now a core and growing part of the marketing toolkit for the majority of brands out there, there are times when brands need to say no. Yeah, I said...

Don't Think Marketing. Think Relationship.

The quest for the right mix of content on a corporate site is the holy grail for marketing groups. In a very common scenario, marketing  departments are given the budgets to develop content, and they create marketing material that is clean, crisp and clear. They plan content so that visitors are led...

How to Avoid a Never-Ending Edit Cycle (The Dangers of "Just a Few More Changes")

Meet Lou. Lou is a marketing manager for XYZ Corp. Lou receives new website content from his copywriter and sends it to the internal team to review. The sales manager emails him afterward. “I love it!” he says. “I have just a few small changes to make.” Lou’s brain twitches....

9 Ways to Get Your Blogging Mojo Back

Maintaining a successful business blog is easier when you have clarity and a plan. Yet so many of my clients and business associates just start blogging. They’re full of inspiration and passion. …And I always say “Go fer it, blog on!” A few months down the road I see them limping along,...

How New Bloggers Can Easily Craft Remarkable About Pages

Is it possible that a tour guide can teach you a thing or two about your “About” page? Yessiree, it certainly is possible. How so?Continue reading

Want to Write an Ebook? Get Inspired with These Tips and Samples

One of the most powerful forms of content marketing is the ebook. Never before has a medium allowed an idea (or a product) to spread instantly to millions of consumers the way that the Web does. Ebooks are true examples of content marketing at work, and they hold the potential to influence many thousands...