It’s graduation season, the time of year when advice abounds. But let’s be honest, not all advice given to new grads, new employees, or even seasoned professionals is worth following.
We asked the experts presenting at Content Marketing World 2019 to share the worst content marketing advice they ever received or heard. They had a lot to say. The thoughts they share form a don’t-do-this guide covering everything from strategy and SEO to quantity and quality.
Just do it
Something is better than nothing. This belief is detrimental to businesses. As soon as you hear yourself say, “this will do,” or “let’s just get this sent out,” you’re in trouble. Posting something average, be it an email, social post, or blog is just going to put people off from wanting to read your content in a depreciating cycle. – Andrew Pickering and Peter Gartland, founders, Andrew and Pete
Don’t write it down
We don’t need to create a content marketing strategy. Our president (vice president of business development) has it in his/her head. He/she tells us who to target and what to write. – Achinta Mitra, president, Tiecas Inc.
Bad #contentmarketing advice: We don’t need a strategy. Our exec tells us what to do. @Achintamitra #CMWorld Share on XMake it up as you go
Get started and figure it out as you go. I can’t think of another strategic business discipline where people are so comfortable with a dabble approach. It’s the fastest way to spending money with no return – and a great way to discourage your marketing staff, too. – Sarah Mitchell, founder, Typeset
Give them a taste first
“Let’s just test it.” “We’re looking for the appetite.” “We just need to prove it works so let’s just get some stuff up there.” I dread sentences like those. Unless a brand has a clear reason why it’s creating content, it won’t stick, no matter how much glue you use. – Ahava Leibtag, president, Aha Media Group
Unless a brand has a clear reason why it’s creating content, it won't stick, says @ahaval. #CMWorld Share on XCreate it now
Create content before gaining enough insights into what buyers want. – George Stenitzer, founder and chief content officer, Crystal Clear Communications
Write and distribute first
My pet peeve is when people are told to start with their tactics and channels. How can you know HOW and WHERE before you know WHO and WHAT? – Michael Weiss, vice president, Creative Circle
Bad #contentmarketing advice: Start with tactics and channels. @mikepweiss #CMWorld Share on XGo for clicks
Getting the click is enough. Content should drive a specific change in thinking in behavior after the click. That’s the real goal. – Tamsen Webster, founder and chief message strategist, Find The Red Thread
Sell, sell, sell
Nothing raises my hackles like overtly sales-focused advertising positioned as content marketing. I know sales are often the end goal, but content marketing should employ a light touch and soft sell — if there’s any attempt to sell at all. – Amanda Changuris, manager, social media marketing, AAA – The Auto Club Group
#Contentmarketing should employ a light touch & soft sell, if there's any attempt to sell at all. @AmandaChanguris Share on XFill up the funnel
When you reduce content marketing solely to working people through the sales funnel, you lose a big opportunity to build a true relationship. Marketers who think that content is all about revenue haven’t walked a day in their customers’ shoes. It’s about helping first, and then the sale will come. – Carla Johnson, speaker, author, storyteller
Pick the demand-gen lane only
Content marketing is just a demand generation thing. It is, of course, fantastic for that. But to limit content to that single swim lane is to miss a huge opportunity: content for brand creation, positioning, and audience building. By all means, pour awesome content into the revenue machine. But save some budget for big things: Celebrate your beliefs. Demonstrate your values. Walk your talk. – Doug Kessler, co-founder, Velocity Partners
Don’t think selling
Content marketing isn’t about selling. Oh, yes it is. It’s about selling helpful ideas that lead people naturally to seek to solve their problems with what your product enables to gain value (business outcomes) that wasn’t attainable before. – Ardath Albee, CEO and B2B marketing strategist, Marketing Interactions Inc.
Bad #contentmarketing advice: It’s not about selling, says @ardath421. #CMWorld Share on XTreat content like ads
Content marketing can be measured the same as advertising. It can be measured, but not in the same way as advertising. Just like you don’t measure sprints and marathons the same way, you have to consider that content marketing is the long game and has longer lasting effect. – A. Lee Judge, co-founder and chief marketing officer, Content Monsta
Show perfection
I once heard someone say every piece of content put out by a brand should look perfect, like an ad. Know what people love to ignore? – Adam Ritchie, principal, Adam Ritchie Brand Direction
Think marketing first
To think of content marketing as marketing rather than content. It’s always content first if you want to make something that is going to resonate. In a race to stand out from the pack, marketers are often told to adopt a specific storytelling tactic before they’ve worked out the story. This will lead to weak executions. Determine the story first and then develop the best way to tell that story. – Annie Granatstein, head of WP BrandStudio, The Washington Post
Determine the story first and then develop the best way to tell that story, says @anniegranat. #CMWorld Share on XFollow the crowd
Blanket statements made about what strategy, topics, format, length, etc., that all marketers should follow. Just because some people – or even a lot of them – are seeing success with account-based marketing or video or (insert hot trend) does not mean it’s right for your business challenge, audience, etc. – Carmen Hill, principal strategist and writer, CHILL Content
Do what the other monkey does
To pursue a strategy or tactic because another brand had success with it. You know what they say about mutual funds? “Past performance is no guarantee of future results.” Be different. And figure out what works from those different things. – Dennis Shiao, consultant, Dennis Shiao Consulting
Bad #contentmarketing advice: Pursue a strategy because it worked for another brand, says @dshiao. #CMWorld Share on XStay in the successful comfort zone
“If it’s not broken, don’t fix it” can be good advice, but, if you follow it for too long, it can mean you’re creating ho-hum, boring, additive content. Sometimes you do need to move out of your comfort zone and break your content mold in order to refresh your audience’s brand connection. – Erika Heald, marketing consultant, Erika Heald Consulting
Do what the data says
Having a blind “data-is-everything” mentality. Is it even the right data? Ask better questions to make sure what you’re looking at is meaningful. And let’s find the big human stories IN the data. They are there and it’s our job to tell them in creative ways. No great marketing video gets shared over and over by customers with a header, “Hey man, check out these emotionally compelling pieces of data!” You’re in the storytelling business – data is just part of how we get there. – Kathy Klotz-Guest, founder, Keeping it Human
Take the easier route
Focus on the “low-hanging fruit” first. Anyone can tackle the easy stuff. If you want to position you or your company as a thought leader, you’ve got to put content out there that helps your customers solve problems that no one else can help them solve. That’s not easy. That’s not low-hanging fruit. – Courtney Cox Wakefield, group manager, digital marketing, Children’s Health
Bad #contentmarketing advice: Focus on the low-hanging fruit, says @courtewakefield. #CMWorld Share on XSnack it
Focus on snackable content. For a long time, this advice led to a lethal form of reductionism that slowed many content marketers from mastering long form, which has implications for mastering the integration relationship between shorter and longer form content and for understanding how to make short-form, high-impact content. – Carlos Abler, leader of content marketing strategy, 3M
Pick one format
Focus all of your energy on one form of content (mainly video). Spending some energy on different forms of content helps keep your content fresh and on multiple platforms where different audiences can find you. – Jason Schemmel, Twitch streamer and digital marketer, GSDChat
Make moving content
More video. Basically, it’s the suggestion to do a tactic because it’s a trend without actually planning strategy around content. The tactic-first advice is short-sighted. Planning a content strategy as it aligns to business objectives, the customer journey, and buyer personas will produce content that is much more apt to increase engagement and subsequently increase revenue. And yes, video may be part of the content strategy. – Pamela Muldoon, campaign and content strategist, The Pedowitz Group
Tactic-first advice is short-sighted. You need to plan strategy around #content, says @pamelamuldoon. #CMWorld Share on XOptimize for SEO
To spend a ton of time writing blogs that are SEO optimized. If you write good content that is relevant to your brand and current events, you will naturally start to rank higher in Google search. – Griffin Thall, CEO and co-founder, PuraVida Bracelets
If you write good #content, you will naturally start to rank higher in Google search. @puravidabrac #CMWorld Share on XStuff it
You should target x number of keywords per page. – Wil Reynolds, founder, Seer Interactive
Base keywords on available data sources
Advice I frequently hear around topic/keyword research. The troubling advice involves relying on data sources that use paid advertising data, inaccurate organic search volume metrics, and heavily outdated/sampled static databases to drive content and editorial decisions. Starting with flawed metrics leads to inappropriate expectations and content that isn’t differentiated. – Jeff Coyle, co-founder and chief product officer, MarketMuse
Don’t worry about keywords
SEO keywords don’t matter. (This advice) stems from the technology advances Google made with RankBrain, its machine learning algorithm. Google looks at ideas and concepts on a page, not necessarily keywords. The reality is that keywords still matter. If you don’t have a relevant phrase showcased on a website (one that’s not too competitive), you can’t rank. – Mike Murray, president, Online Marketing Coach
Bad #contentmarketing advice: #SEO keywords don’t matter, says @mikeonlinecoach. #CMWorld Share on XDo everything
There’s a pervasive mentality that you have to be on every channel and offer every type of tool. Not every company will benefit from a podcast or a Snapchat presence. Not every industry will value e-books or SMS. Content marketing must fit the needs and behaviors of your specific audience and potential customers. – Zontee Hou, co-lead of consulting, Convince and Convert
Go wide
Publish as much content in as many different channels as possible. Now that’s a recipe for disaster. – Joe Pulizzi, founder, Content Marketing Institute
Bad #contentmarketing advice: Publish as much content in as many channels as possible. @JoePulizzi #CMWorld Share on XBuild it and they will come
Similar to the movie Field of Dreams, I’ve had someone tell a friend if you create good content then customers will come. That’s just not true these days. You have to be hyper-focused on distributing to the right people at the right time. – John Hall, co-founder,
Get more eyes
“It’s all about the eyeballs.” More is not better. And just because someone clicked on your blog post doesn’t mean they are interested or qualified. Focus on content for the right prospects, at the right stage of their buying journey (even if that journey has just begun). – Matt Heinz, president, Heinz Marketing Inc.
Lower your content output
Create less content. Don’t create less, just be more deliberate. – Christoph Trappe, chief content officer, Stamats Business Media
Bad #contentmarketing advice: Create less content, says @ctrappe. #CMWorld Share on XAct like a reporter
Content marketers frequently hear the advice that they should think like journalists. We should not take this guidance at face value. Here’s the heart of the issue for me: Journalism is objective. Marketing is not. The ultimate goal of marketing is to create change. Having an agenda is part of our purview. – Katie Martell, communications consultant, Boston Content
Hire great writers
Just hire someone who can write well. Content creators are not interchangeable and “great writing” does not automatically equal great content. Instead, match your writers and their skill sets to the channels in which you are publishing. – Anna Hrach, strategist, Convince and Convert
Bad #contentmarketing advice: Just hire someone who can write well, says @Annabananahrach. #CMWorld Share on XRealize perception wins
Perception is reality. At a previous employer, I was having a discussion about developing authentic content for our audience –suburban moms with 2.3 kids and SUVs. I said in order to create authentic content for moms with small kids, it should be written by moms with small kids – not who was currently writing it (college students without kids, old men, etc.). The response I got from a C-suite executive was, “Perception is reality. If the reader perceives it as being authentic, then it is authentic.” – Scott Spjut, assistant vice president, social and digital content, Fifth Third Bank
Make it legendary
Create epic content. Epic may drive viral, but helpful drives sales. And it’s so much easier to be helpful than epic. – Tom Martin, president, Converse Digital
Get a third party
Podcasting for brands should be handled by third parties where they hire professional organizations to put together their content. This is the worst advice I have seen. Podcasting is a personal medium – and you have a chance to really connect with your clients. It’s best to have someone in your company be the voice of your company. – Rob Walch, vice president, podcaster relations, Libsyn
#Podcasting is a personal medium & a great way to connect w/ your clients, says @podcast411. #CMWorld Share on XHire an intern
You can outsource your content marketing to a college kid. – Ruth Carter, evil genius, Carter Law Firm
Publish regularly
Consistency is everything. Consistency is super important, but it is only effective when the content is high quality, otherwise, you’re just consistently boring your audience. – Michaela Alexis, LinkedIn speaker, trainer, and co-author of Think Video
Bad #contentmarketingadvice: Consistency is everything, says @mickalexis. #CMWorld Share on XWhat’s the worst advice you’ve heard?
You’ve heard many of the mantras detailed above. Which ones irritate you the most? Are any of them actually good advice? Have a different piece of worst advice to share? Share in the comments.
Catch the great advice these and other experts have to share in their presentations at Content Marketing World Sept. 2-6 in Cleveland, Ohio. Register and use code CMIBLOG100 to save $100.
Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute