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Digging Into the Marketing Measurement Myth [The Weekly Wrap]

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And that’s a wrap of the week ending Nov. 22, 2019

This week I’m thinking about how to measure what really matters. I dig into new research that claims to reveal the “moment of next.” I talk with Scott Monty about what Mr. Rogers can teach us about business. And I point out an article that gets to the heart of metrics that matter in demand and lead gen.

Listen to the Weekly Wrap

Our theme this week is the qualities of quantity (or the measured makeover). Let’s wrap it up.

  • One deep thought (2:24): Measurement generally is defined as the act of determining the incremental value of something. For measurement to work, everyone must agree on what that value is. But in marketing, getting agreement on the value of anything we measure (page views, clicks, followers, subscribers, opportunities, leads, conversions, and even sales) has proven elusive. One marketing measurement may be worthless to me and invaluable to you.

Still, we grind out numbers month after month. Our obsession with measurement is driven by the oft-repeated – and almost universally misunderstood – business axiom, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” I share my thoughts on why we have to stop measuring everything just because we can.

We have to stop measuring everything just because we can, says @robert_rose via @cmicontent. #WeeklyWrap Share on X

The article asks: “What if you could scientifically pinpoint the exact moment people’s attention is at its peak? What if you could identify the very instant that they’re ready and willing to see something new?” New research from Nielsen (sponsored by Taboola) bases the answer on a study that used artificial intelligence and virtual reality to reveal the moment audiences are ready to see something new. Let’s just say you won’t be shocked by the answer. But it does raise another interesting question: If we feed robots bad data, can we complain when they throw up bad intelligence?

If we feed robots bad data, can we complain when they throw up bad intelligence, asks @Robert_Rose via @cmicontent. #WeeklyWrap Share on X
  • This week’s person making a difference in content (15:43): This week I’m talking with Scott Monty, the bow-tie-wearing, C-suite coach, advisor, and speaker who helps executives improve their messaging, communicate with more empathy, and become “virtuous leaders.” Scott was the first executive at Ford Motor Co. to lead digital communications and social media. His knowledge of history, philosophy, and literature, together with his ability to spot trends, show audiences that the key to the future is in understanding human nature while focusing on integrity and values. We talk about the universal things that have bugged humans for ages, the moral obligations of business (and how to measure that), and Mr. Rogers.
The key to the future is understanding human nature while focusing on integrity and values, says @ScottMonty via @cmicontent. #WeeklyWrap Share on X

Listen in on our chat, then get more ideas from Scott:

  • One content marketing idea you can use (33:50): The one CMI post I’d love for you to take another look at is right in line with our measurement makeover theme: Shares Don’t Cut It: Pick Better Metrics for Demand and Lead Gen. My favorite part of the article explores how to track the effect content exposure has on your clients. Great advice from John Hall of Influence & Co.
User-tracking tools see how people engage with your #content, not just how much or how often, says @johnhall via @cmicontent. #WeeklyWrap Share on X

Love for this week’s sponsor: ContentTech Summit

Join me this summer at ContentTECH Summit 2020, where we’re lining up in-depth workshops, keynote talks, and practical presentations to help you become a more effective, more strategic content marketer. You’ll get insights to help you provide a richer experience for your customers and build a more profitable, stronger business.

I hope to see you and your team August 10-12 in San Diego.

Check out the agenda today.

The wrap-up

Tune in next week for one thought I hope is of high “caliper,” one news item I hope won’t be too “protracted,” and one content marketing tip that will help you scale your efforts. And it’s all delivered in a little less time than it takes Taylor Swift to raise another concern about her record deals.

If you like this weekly play on words, we’d sure love for you to review it and share it. Hashtag us up on Twitter: #WeeklyWrap.

It’s your story. Tell it well.

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Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute