2012 was quite the year for content marketing. As the discipline and marketers mature and social platforms explode, there is no shortage of things we have learned — and there’s always so much more that we can learn. At the Content Marketing Institute, we are so lucky to have the brightest contributors talking about everything from content marketing strategy to distribution.
In case you didn’t catch them all, or you want a refresher on some of the ones that are most valuable to you, here are more than 60 essentials we learned:
1. There are 21 types of content people crave. (Scott Aughtmon)
2. If you want to study content marketing, Coca-Cola is a great place to start:
- Learn about the company’s Content 2020 initiative. (Joe Pulizzi)
- See what we can learn from Coca-Cola’s content strategy. (Stephanie Tilton)
- Get brand storytelling tips from Jonathan Mildenhall. (interviewed by Robert Rose)
- See how they compare to other beverage giants. (Mark Sherbin)
3. Content marketing and social media are indeed two distinct disciplines. (Toby Murdock)
4. Search engine optimization (SEO) can feel confounding, but it doesn’t need to:
- You can optimize content even when you don’t know jack about SEO. (Kevin Cain)
- Even though meta descriptions are not full of SEO value, there are several ways they can benefit your content marketing efforts. (Brad Shorr)
- 2012 was the year of Google’s Penguin update. Here’s what you need to know to survive it. (Amrit Hallan)
5. Women rock, especially in content marketing. Check out this list — and the extensive comments our readers posted — of more than 20 women you may want to follow. (Joe Chernov)
6. Keeping track of all of the ideas you have around content is tough. Learn how to create a dashboard to keep the suggestions organized. (Roger C. Parker)
7. If you want to keep your content marketing projects on track, you need to ask the right questions before you get started. Here are 15 of the most essential ones. (Clare McDermott)
8. A content marketing mission statement is essential, as it keeps your team driving toward the same goal while telling your audience members how your business can help them. (Joe Pulizzi)
9. B2B marketers use LinkedIn most often, whereas B2C marketers prefer Facebook. (B2B and B2C Content Marketing 2013: Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends)
10. There are at least 14 social platforms marketers use to distribute content — and there are brands who use all of them well (get tips and examples). (Michele Linn)
11. People love content idea suggestions when they are in the process of planning and budgeting — and here are 42 for 2013. (Joe Pulizzi)
12. To make sure your content is the best it can be, there are 13 things you should do before you hit the publish button. (Heidi Cohen)
13. And, there are also 19 things you should do after you publish a blog post. (Brody Dorland)
14. Pinterest is an increasingly popular social platform, with 26 percent of B2B and 35 percent of B2C marketers using it. Here are nine board ideas to inspire you. (Andreea Ayers)
15. Marketers love insight into what’s on the horizon for their industries. See what tops the list for 2013 content marketing and social media predictions. (Joe Pulizzi)
16. Planning content takes time, but there are a few things you can do to make the process easier, including using this worksheet. (Roger C. Parker)
17. One great way to tell your brand story is through the Facebook Timeline. (Debbie Williams)
18. If you are like the 39 percent of B2B marketers and 41 percent of B2C marketers using Google+, here are two brand examples you don’t want to miss. (Adam Barber)
19. Need examples of great content marketing?
- Here are 100 inspirational, educational, and just plain cool examples. (CMI)
- You can also try these five standouts from 2012. (Heidi Cohen)
- Here is one example that will show you how content can ignite a movement. (Andrew Davis)
- Take a look at one company that is doing all the right things. (Amanda Maksymiw)
- And here are three cases that prove the power of content marketing. (Heidi Cohen)
20. Titles can make or break your content:
- Get tips for putting your best foot forward with this 10-point checklist. (Roger C. Parker)
- Follow these seven suggestions for eye-popping headlines. (Beth Fox)
21. If you are not sure what to blog about, try this approach to plan your posts a year in advance. (Laura Roeder)
22. Content marketers love tools and technologies to help them do their jobs better:
- If you are managing the editorial process, there are plenty of content production tools that help marketers become publishers. (CMI)
- Here are 17 tools that provide shortcuts to help you get the job done in a crunch. (Jodi Harris)
- Little Bird, an influencer app, could be your most powerful content marketing lesson. (Joe Chernov)
- Evernote is a great tool to increase your content marketing productivity. (Michele Linn)
- Looking to figure out what content marketing technologies will best suit your business and goals? Check out our Decision-Maker’s Guide to Making Smart Content Marketing Technology Choices. (CMI)
23. Infographics were the rage in 2012, but with so many published, how can you stand out in the crowd?:
- There are three rules for creating effective infographics. (Paul Gustafson)
- Here are 21 things you can do to help your infographic go viral. (Andrianes Pinantoan)
24. Don’t overlook the importance of design when creating content. Here are seven readability tips to make your content more engaging. (Roger C. Parker)
25. On the other hand, don’t focus only on the look of your content. Remember that in brand storytelling, words matter as much as design. (Debbie Williams)
26. The content engineer? Read about this new breed of marketer who is emerging. (Pelin Thorogood and Erik Bratt)
27. Think you know everything you’ll need to create an effective web page? Check out this A to Z guide to make sure you have your bases covered. (Jessica Lee)
28. SlideShare grabbed a lot of attention with content marketers this year:
- Read 10 strategies that will boost your content’s value. (Gregory Ciotti)
- Read “The Marketer’s Guide to SlideShare.” (Todd Wheatland)
29. Content curation is something that should be on the radar of all content marketers:
- Here are the curation essentials you need to know. (Mark Sherbin)
- There are 14 sources for content curation inspiration. (Pawan Deshpande)
30. Do you want your content to catch attention (who doesn’t)? Here are six ways to make that happen. (Scott Aughtmon)
31. Mind mapping is a great way to get inspired and organize your content ideas:
- Here are five suggestions on how to use mind maps in your content marketing efforts. (Michele Linn)
- Here are 10 mind mapping productivity tips. (Roger C. Parker)
32. Even as marketers get more technologically and socially savvy, you can’t forget the basics, like having a strong call to action. Here are three proven formulas to create them. (Mark Sherbin)
33. The C-suite continues to be an elusive audience. Here are tips on how to use content to connect with executives. (Roanne Neuwirth)
34. Video continues to be a popular tactic, with 70 percent of B2B and B2C marketers using the format in their content efforts. Here are tips on making video work well for your brand. (Adria Saracino)
35. How do you create content for all of the different devices out there? See how publishers are shifting away from a website-first mentality. (Mark Sherbin)
36. There are four content marketing metrics that all marketers should be measuring. (CMI)
37. One great way to learn about content strategy is to look at what others are doing and reverse engineer their processes to suit your business. (Simon Penson)
38. You can create engaging content on any topic — even for industries that some might consider “boring.” (Sean McVey)
39. Continuously coming up with new topics for your content can be a challenge. One way to make it easier is to mine your analytics for ideas. (Rick Allen)
40. What’s the next frontier in content marketing? Some would argue it’s personalized content. (Mark Sherbin)
41. What are marketers at leading B2B and B2C brands doing when it comes to content marketing? Check out these interviews to get the inside scoop:
- Julie Fleischer from Kraft Foods
- Amanda Nelson from Salesforce Marketing Cloud (formerly Radian6)
- Brenda Spiering from Sun Life Financial
- Leslie Reiser from IBM
- Michael Brenner from SAP
- Alan Belniak from PTC
42. Print as a content medium in 2012? Absolutely! Here are seven reasons to consider print in your non-traditional content strategy. And — shameless plug — don’t miss our print magazine, Chief Content Officer. (Joe Pulizzi)
What’s missing from this list? What was one of your favorite content marketing essentials discussed this year?
And don’t forget to stay up to date on content marketing trends in 2013 by signing up for our email alerts.
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