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Coca-Cola Bets the Farm on Content Marketing: Content 2020

If you’ve ever seen the movie Jerry McGuire, you remember the blue mission statement. This is the moment in the movie when Jerry McGuire (played by Tom Cruise) wakes up in a cold sweat and writes, what he believes, to be the future direction for his sports agency.

Well, Coca-Cola’s marketing mission statement is Content 2020, a content marketing brainchild of Coca-Cola’s Jonathan Mildenhall, VP Global Advertising Strategy and Creative Excellence, who recently stated that:

“All advertisers need a lot more content so that they can keep the engagement with consumers fresh and relevant, because of the 24/7 connectivity. If you’re going to be successful around the world, you have to have fat and fertile ideas at the core.”

I spent the better part of an hour reviewing the two videos below, and I encourage all marketing professionals (both client and agency side) to set aside 20 minutes to review these two short videos (video one is seven minutes, video two is 10 minutes). It’s that important.

Why Is Content 2020 So Important?

Content 2020 feels more like an internal video prepared especially for the Coca-Cola marketing team, laying out their strategic vision for the future.  Overall, it’s the strategy that Coca-Cola’s marketing future rest on the ideals of content marketing.

  • Coca-Cola needs to move from creative excellence to content excellence, 
  • They need to develop content that makes a commitment to making the world a better place and to develop value and significance in people’s lives…while at the same time driving business objectives for Coca-Cola, and
  • Through the stories they tell, to provoke conversations and earn a disproportionate share of popular culture.

Specifically, check out the 3:30 mark of video two on the 70/20/10 model for content development.

In the beginning, the claim is made that Coca-Cola must create the world’s most compelling content. Toward the end, the comment is made that Coca-Cola can no longer rely on being 30-Second-TV-Centric.

Amen to that.

Enjoy…and I would love to hear your comments on the videos.

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See how more of the best brands on earth are conquering their content marketing challenges. Download our e-book: Get Inspired: 75 (More) Content Marketing Examples.