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Avoid Content Obscurity With 5 Traffic-Boosting SEO Steps

Not getting the traffic you expected from your content marketing efforts? Before you go on a content creation frenzy, try these five SEO steps to save your existing content from search obscurity. 

How Great Anchor Text Keeps SEO Afloat

Google’s algorithm standards have developed into incredibly human friendly, reader-oriented practices. As such, user intent is the key to creating the content that enhances the relevance of your pages and improves your SEO.

3 Ways to Re-Use Your Content Magnets to Dominate SERPs

Lead-magnet content aims to motivate consumers to take an action, and most often lives on your site. Why not further the attraction? Convert them into assets for third-party sites. It’s a valuable way to strengthen your SEO.

SEO and Website Image Optimization 10-Point Checklist for Marketers

SEO image optimization should be second nature for content marketers, but it's easily overlooked. Search traffic loses when haste wins. Follow this 10-point checklist to win the SEO image game.

5 Reasons SEO Should Take a Back Seat With Website Content

Sure, SEO is important. But there are situations when you don't need to sweat it or can at least scale back the effort. Here are five times when SEO shouldn’t be the highest priority.

How to Use Earned Media to Boost Your SEO

Google and other search engines have grown the impact of earned media. Once a goal of traditional PR, earned media is even more crucial today to gain authority for your content efforts and improve your SEO. Start with these three steps.

Merging Two Blogs: Strategies for Content Success

Do you want to combine two blogs into one? Did you acquire a strong SEO domain and need to create a new blog? How do you merge or transfer multiple blogs into one? Here’s how to do it and to keep your original content’s SEO power.

8+ Tools to Find Related Keywords for Your Content

Integrating SEO with your content is essential to writing smart copy that attracts more eyeballs. Before you craft your content, look at terms related to your topic. Here are eight tools to help.

Shares Are Not Enough: How to Amplify Your Content and Build Links

While shares are important, they are not enough to ensure content success. That requires a content amplification strategy to gain shares and links to build authority and drive traffic. Here’s some help to do that.

Create, Distribute, and Share: 15 Essential Content Marketing Templates

No matter your content marketing goals, you need to master content creation, distribution, and social amplification if you expect to succeed. Here are 15 tools, templates, and checklists to get you started in the right direction.

How to Create Content People Actually Search For

Is anyone actually searching for your content? Search engines are designed to match results based on relevancy. Learn more about how to create headlines and content people seek and want to read.

How to Keep Google From Penalizing Your Syndicated Content

Google started cracking down on duplicate content years ago. Its lesson is simple: Do not copy content from others; do not create multiple sites with the same copy. But what happens when content syndication enters the picture?