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Merging Two Blogs: Strategies for Content Success

Do you want to combine two blogs into one? Did you acquire a strong SEO domain and need to create a new blog? How do you merge or transfer multiple blogs into one? Here’s how to do it and to keep your original content’s SEO power.

Blogging Trends That Bring Content Marketing Down to Business

What are the latest trends in blog creation and usage? How should they impact your organization? Look at the findings from Orbit Media's blogger survey, and get tips to take full advantage of this still-powerful channel.

CMI Reveals the 12 Most Popular Posts of 2016

How many of the almost 366 blog posts from CMI did you read this year? You probably didn’t get to them all. Here are the 12 most popular posts from 2016. We estimated the time to read so you can choose according to the time you have.

This Week in Content Marketing: WordPress and Medium Begin Turf War for Owned Media

This week, the guys debate the IAB's latest ad revenue findings, and explore a fearless stance from WordPress. They also examine new data on blogging trends, then share rants, raves, and an example of the week from Autodesk.

The Ultimate Blog Marketing Checklist: 65 Tips, Tools, and Resources

Starting to explore blog marketing, looking to spruce up your existing blog, or ready to take your efforts to the next level? Follow the 65 tips, tools, and resources on this handy checklist to support your journey to blogging success.

A New Model for Developing a Top-Tier B2B Blog

As optimistic as content marketing’s evolution is, we still need to make progress. Specifically, we need to revisit the idea of a B2B blog. Why? Because they often run aground. I’m proposing a new way to develop a top-tier B2B blog.

How to Beat the Battle of an Ineffective Blog

Blogging is a versatile, powerful, brand-building content technique; but don't be fooled – success isn't easy. If you are struggling to be effective with your blog, tackle the most common issues with these helpful tips.

This Week in Content Marketing: Sure, Social Media Platforms Will Never Change

Joe and Robert talk The New York Times big move into native ads and a flood of content marketing predictions. They give a lengthy rant on Basecamp blog, plus the usual rants, raves and example of week (you would even say it glows).

5 Hacks to Improve Your Blog and Get More Traffic

If the reality of your blog posts is different from the dream of your blog posts (great traffic, hundreds of comments, thousands of shares), read these five tips for better blogging to boost your readership and your shares.

Is It Time to Ditch Your Company Blog's Comments Section?

Once seen as a way to engage public dialogue, comment sections have become the refuge for trolls, a referendum on silence, and have been abandoned for social media. Are you going to keep comments? Here are three tips for doing it right.

How to Take Advantage of the Latest Blogging Trends

What role should blogging play in today’s content marketing strategy? Learn the latest trends and the potential impact on your blog from a recent Orbit Media survey. Plus, get tips to take full advantage of this still-powerful channel.

This Week in Content Marketing: Can Content Save Advertising?

In this episode, Joe and Robert explore some questions: Can content marketing save advertising? Is it the end of blogging as we know it? And, are digital agencies destroying themselves as Pepsi’s CMO believes? Plus rants and raves.