How to Create an Email Newsletter From Your Blog
July 26, 2010
Brian Massey
If you believe that your prospects don’t want to receive email from you, then you are missing a huge opportunity. HubSpot looked at data from 605 business blogs and found that they got 12 times more email subscribers than RSS subscribers on average.
What your prospects don’t want is promotional...
How Ringo Starr Can Help You Create Rockin’ Blog Content
July 22, 2010
Thomas Clifford
As a blogger, do you know you face the same challenge Ringo Starr faces every time he decides to tour?
Ringo always needs more content for his shows.
And you always need more content for your blog.
Sure, Ringo had a few hits. But does he have enough hits for an entire show?
Um, no.
So what does he do?
D.I.S. Creates Content Marketing with Lasting Impact
July 20, 2010
Russ Henneberry
The lifespan of a mayfly is anywhere from 30 minutes to 24 hours.
Most online content suffers a similar fate.
But, content marketing online, when done properly, will have a lasting impact. It will continue to reap dividends for your organization far into the future.Continue reading
9 Ways to Get Your Blogging Mojo Back
June 18, 2010
Patsi Krakoff
Maintaining a successful business blog is easier when you have clarity and a plan. Yet so many of my clients and business associates just start blogging.
They’re full of inspiration and passion. …And I always say “Go fer it, blog on!” A few months down the road I see them limping along,...
How New Bloggers Can Easily Craft Remarkable About Pages
June 17, 2010
Thomas Clifford
Is it possible that a tour guide can teach you a thing or two about your “About” page?
Yessiree, it certainly is possible.
How so?Continue reading
12 Tips for Formatting Better Blog Posts
June 3, 2010
Patsi Krakoff
How is writing for your business blog different from any other business marketing content?
In general, the goal of a business blog is to provide relevant, useful information to your targeted audience. By doing so, you create a community of loyal readers and engage their interest in your business.
A few...
Start Smart Formula for Your Business Blog: 5 Qs + 3Es
May 22, 2010
Patsi Krakoff
Many businesses jump right on the business blog bandwagon without hesitation. There’s always plenty to say about products and services.
But unless you’ve been paying keen attention to content marketing trends, you may find it’s harder than you expect to consistently write compelling...
10 Corporate Blogging Tips and Strategies
November 18, 2009
Joe Pulizzi
Ambal from Click Documents asked me if I had any tips/strategies for corporate blogging. The presentation below is a corporate blogging basics presentation useful for beginning bloggers. That said, here are the main takeaways. For more indepth understanding of a content marketing strategy, this content...
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