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4 Ways to Shift Your Thinking to Truly Focus on Your Audience

Are you tired of hearing the mantra, “Audience first.” We are too. But too many marketers aren’t putting the audience first (even though they say they do). Test your own audience-first mentality by answering these four questions.

How to Use How-To Content to Create and Retain Loyal Customers

Too many marketers fail to create content for the bottom of the funnel. But content for people who are on the verge of buying, who have just bought, and who are between purchases is essential. Learn how outdoor retailer REI does it.

Email Lists: When Smaller Is Actually Better

A lot of information exists about how to attract and keep people on your brand’s email lists. It’s hard to find tips on how to actively repel or discourage subscribers. Wait, discourage subscribers? Yes, you should. Read on.

How to Take an Audience-First Approach to Your Content

Too often brands don’t spend enough time thinking what their audience wants. Follow the 12 steps of the hero’s journey, reframed as an audience journey, to better align your content with the real needs and wants of your audience.

The Future of Content and SEO: 5 Trends Every Marketer Needs to Know

Wouldn't it be great if you could turn your brand into a content powerhouse of the future – today? You can. Start with adapting to and adopting these five trends now before the audience leaves your brand behind.

Email Content: Increase Reach, Impact, and Subscriber Satisfaction

It never hurts to go the extra mile when it comes to enhancing the value of your email efforts. Follow these tips and examples to increase your reach, your impact, and your subscribers’ satisfaction with your email content.

User-Generated Content: Where Does It Fit in Your Content Marketing Strategy?

User-generated content is powerful because it taps into people’s inherent desire to be recognized and appreciated. Tap into that opportunity with these four ideas for users to create content (and subsequently promote) your brand.

Content Marketing Trends to Watch for 2018

Some 2018 trends will be familiar to those who read Joe Pulizzi’s 2017 trends post. But he also sees recent interesting events leading to the evolution of the practice of content marketing. How many are on your radar?

How to Establish the Best Social Media KPIs for Your Content Marketing Goals

Invest in creating a social media strategy tailored to your content goals. And that begins with establishing the right social media KPIs. To help get started, read what the author of Going Social and Getting to Like has to say.

8 Big Questions From Content Marketing World to Ask Year Round

To kick off CMWorld Joe Pulizzi asked, “Do you think about your content marketing like George Lucas did about Star Wars?” Plus, discover seven more questions posed by speakers who all focus on the most valuable element in content.

10 Questions You Should Answer Before Evaluating Marketing Automation Vendors

Don’t rely on marketing automation vendors to become the experts in your business processes, people, systems, and data. Get your house in order first. Answer these 10 questions before you evaluate marketing automation providers.

How SecureWorks Took Content Strategy From Guesswork to Game Changing

When Kira Mondrus joined SecureWorks, she wouldn’t start content marketing without personas and journey maps. She and her team built that necessary foundation and found success. Now she’s a 2017 Content Marketer of the Year finalist.