As December debuts with colder and snowier weather, we’re wishing for snow days, warming up with a print magazine, and answering questions about writing.
These are the three things we noticed this week.
Call for snow days during remote learning
WHO: Campbell’s Soup
WHAT: Save the Snow Day is Campbell’s call to “all who believe in shutting screens off and putting snow boots on to pledge their support to keep a cherished winter tradition alive.”
The campaign includes an online pledge to sign …
… and a downloadable sign kids (and adults) can print out to color.
WHY IT MATTERS: The Campbell’s team thought outside the soup can when it came up with Save the Snow Day. It’s a fresh take on the pandemic world in which soup eaters (and sippers) now live – one where remote learning is the norm.
It’s also great content marketing that makes an emotional connection with young and old alike. Campbell’s doesn’t go heavy-handed on the brand connection. The Save the Snow Day sign doesn’t include any branding, and the pledge isn’t a trick to get people to sign up for Campbell’s newsletters (signers can opt in by clicking the check box on the pledge).
.@CampbellSoupCo’s #SaveTheSnowDay content makes an emotional connection with young and old via @CMIContent. #WeeklyWrap Share on XHOW IT WAS DISCOVERED: We saw the hashtag #SavetheSnowDay on social media. It was something most of the CMI team could relate to as many of us live or have lived in snow-producing climates.
Go heavy with print
WHO: Staples and publishing partner Imagination
WHAT: Staples Worklife magazine is a 68-page quarterly print magazine with an online content hub. It covers the latest trends for the workplace, productivity insights, inspirational ideas, and more.
You can sign up for a free subscription here.
WHERE: In the mail and at
WHY IT MATTERS: It makes sense for a company that sells paper (and many other physical office products) to publish a print magazine. More importantly, Staples mails the magazine to its business reward account holders – a smart differentiator to stand out in the office-supply marketplace.
And Staples doesn’t skimp on the magazine. The designs are beautifully created, single- and two-page spreads that are more than a cut-and-paste from the online format. The hefty paper lets readers know that Staples cares about the magazine’s production.
.@Staples #Worklife magazine designs are beautifully created for a print format, says @AnnGynn via @CMIContent. #WeeklyWrap Share on XSmartly, the content works for the online setting too, forming a content hub for Staples.
HOW IT WAS DISCOVERED: CMI’s Ann Gynn signed up for Staples rewards program and weeks later received the surprise in her mailbox.
Writers: Offer your input
WHO: Typeset Content
WHAT: The second annual State of Writing survey is designed to find out how businesses are using writing to achieve their goals and to understand how well it’s working.
WHY IT MATTERS: CMI is a big believer in research to help make the case for content marketing. We also think the more voices that participate in the research, the more helpful the results are. This research into writing as a tactic could help make the case for additional team members (internal or outsourced) or training. It also could reinforce that your writers are doing things right or identify opportunities for improvement.
Writers who scribe for businesses can share their experiences and learn from others in 2nd State of Writing Survey from @TypesetContent @MantisResearch via @CMIContent: #WeeklyWrap Share on XHOW IT WAS DISCOVERED: Typeset Content’s Sarah Mitchell has been a frequent speaker at Content Marketing World.
Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute