Randy Apuzzo
Randy Apuzzo is founder and CEO of Zesty.io, the SaaS CMS company. A digital strategist with a computer science and branding background, Randy is a visionary in architecting solutions that help companies accelerate and scale their global digital content strategies. He is revered for empowering businesses with technology that grants agility, cost savings, security and increased market share. Follow Zesty.io on Facebook, LinkedIn, and on Twitter @Zestyio.
Stories By Randy Apuzzo
How To Do Syndicated Content the Right Way
July 6, 2021
Do you raise the red flag when hearing about content syndication happening in sales or PR? Are you in fear that it will hurt your hard-earned Google rankings? Here’s how to syndicate without facing Google’s wrath.
How to Keep Google From Penalizing Your Syndicated Content
October 6, 2016
Google started cracking down on duplicate content years ago. Its lesson is simple: Do not copy content from others; do not create multiple sites with the same copy. But what happens when content syndication enters the picture?
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