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Stories By Michele Linn

How to Measure Engagement

With the help of our CMI contributors, we’re tackling how to make content more engaging, which was the biggest challenge identified in the new research about B2B Content Marketing. Over the past two weeks, our contributors answered these questions: First things first – what does engaging mean to you? How can marketers make content more engaging? This week, our contributors answer the question, “How should marketers measure engagement?” Continue reading

Content Marketing Group Therapy: How Minor Design Changes Impacted an eNewsletter

A few weeks ago, I introduced you to Graham Kilshaw from Interference Technology. If you recall, Graham had recently launched an eNewsletter targeted at advertisers and prospects of his publication. He was having some success but he was certain he could improve what he was doing. I shared his story, you shared your suggestions (thank you!), and I promised to keep you updated on his progress so we can all learn from his experience.Continue reading

10 Ways to Make Content More Engaging

With the help of our CMI contributors, we’re tackling how to make content more engaging, which was the biggest challenge identified in the new research about B2B Content Marketing. Last week, our contributors answered the question, “First things first – what does engaging mean to you?“ This week, our contributors answer the question, “How can marketers make content more engaging?” Continue reading

Want to Develop Engaging Content? First Step: Understand What Engaging Means

We recently released new research on B2B Content Marketing. The report is chock full of great insights into what content marketers are doing and where they are struggling (check it out to see how you compare). The research also identified a number of places where content marketers could use guidance – and the CMI contributors are here to help. In the coming weeks, they’ll weigh in with actionable ideas on how content marketers can improve what they’re doing. The first topic we’re tackling is the challenge that was identified most often by content marketers: producing engaging content. In the coming weeks, our contributors will be giving you tips on how to make content more engaging – and measure the results. But, before we get into specifics, I wanted to get everyone on the same page. I asked, “First things first – what does engaging mean to you?”  Read on to learn how our experts define this often-used term. Continue reading

5 Ways to Save Time on Content Marketing

If there is one thing I hear time and time again, it’s that content marketing takes a substantial amount of time to do well. I agree wholeheartedly, but there are some things you can do to reduce the time you spend – while delivering better content to your audience.Continue reading

7 Questions to Ask Before Adding a Blog to the Marketing Mix

Last week I was talking with a couple of corporate B2B marketers, and the question of blogging came up: do they plan to have a blog? Unlike many marketers who jump into having a blog because it seems like the right thing to do, these gentlemen were very thoughtful in their response and explained that they would only have a blog if they had a clear objective and a way to support it. Amen to that! While I am all for trying different types of content and formats, I’m an even bigger proponent of consistency, which is why I caution marketers before undertaking a project that needs constant care and feeding, like a blog. Here are some key questions to ask before you commit to a corporate blog. Continue reading

Content Marketing Group Therapy: What Suggestions Do You Have for This eNewsletter?

Several weeks ago, Joe and I received an email from Graham Kilshaw from Interference Technology. He believes in the power of content marketing and had recently launched an eNewsletter (titled the EMC Business Bulletin) to educate his prospects. The problem was that he wasn’t getting the results he expected. As content marketers, we’ve all faced this same issue: We want to create content that is effective, but how do we do that? Graham offered to use his eNewsletter as a learning experience for the CMI community. The premise is simple: He’ll share what he is doing with his newsletter and the results he is having. From there, we’d love to get feedback from the CMI community on how the newsletter can be improved. Graham will make changes and then report the findings in a future blog post. This way, we can all learn from our collective experience.Continue reading

How to Put Together an Editorial Calendar for Content Marketing

Learn how to create an editorial calendar that's specifically designed to help you organize, track, and manage content marketing efforts.