Mike Goldberg
Michael Goldberg has a wealth of marketing experience in the rapidly evolving technology, advertising, and media space. As the Senior Director of Marketing, Michael oversees corporate branding and messaging, ensuring TripleLift is well positioned in the market. He leverages his insight and expertise to produce, measure, and grow marketing campaigns across multiple channels. Prior to joining TripleLift, Michael played a pivotal role in establishing Martini Media’s strong industry presence and developed the marketing plans for several unique products and services while serving as Marketing Director at Datran Media, now PulsePoint. He has spoken at various industry conferences, has written for a variety of publications, and is often quoted online and in print on technology, advertising, and media trends. Connect with Michael on Twitter @TripleLifeHQ or LinkedIn.
Stories By Mike Goldberg
Real-World Analysis: 6 Ideas for Images That (Really) Work
April 5, 2015
An image’s value often is worth more than text. Discover how an image’s type and location could have a substantial impact on brand awareness and customer engagement. Learn the best practices based on an analysis of 100+ campaigns.
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