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Stories By Jodi Harris


These 4 Analytics Oversights Mess With Your Content Performance Plan

Trust Insights’ chief data scientist Chris Penn outlines the common analytics mistakes marketers make. Even better, he details how to make measurement plans more effective.

Content Marketers Share Their Best Networking Tips for In-Person and Virtual Events

Conferences – in person or virtual – can present great opportunities to network. But it doesn’t come naturally to many. Here’s some help to overcome those networking jitters, whether you’re remote or gathered with others.

Content Distribution: Everything You Need to Know Right Now

Your content marketing strategy is incomplete without a solid distribution and promotion plan. This guide walks you through the three phases to get your content in front of your target audiences.

The 3 Strategic Pillars Behind Every Winning Content Strategy

Explore the strategic decision-making behind four winning B2B and B2C content marketing initiatives. Learn the who, how, why, and bottom line for each one.

Outsourcing Content Creation: The Complete How-To Guide

Without a smart plan for hiring and working with freelancers, you might find they jump ship at the first sign of a higher rate or longer contract. Here’s some advice to help you identify, vet, and onboard the right outsourced team.

Instagram Tips, Tricks, and Expert Advice To Ignite Your Strategy

As Instagram ups its game to be an entertaining destination, your brand should consider all the new and familiar options with this roundup of tips, examples, and expert advice.

The What, Why, and How of Video’s Next Revolution in Content Marketing

One-size-fits-all video content is no longer enough to gain attention, let alone compel people to act on what they’re watching. That’s why the next revolution in video will center on personalization. Let’s explore.

How to Turn Influencers Into a Powerful Content Force

Successful influencer marketing can be tangled and tricky to create, execute, and manage. If you want today’s social tastemakers to amplify your content’s reach, you better be prepared. Here’s some help.

Discover the Secrets to Successful Content Creation

Every content marketer knows there’s so much more to content creation than thinking up ideas and writing them down. This guide will help you gather the resources and skills you need to create content that delivers for your audience and your brand every time.

How to Measure Content Marketing: The (Updated) Essential Guide

Your content marketing program will be judged by the impact it makes on your business’s bottom line. Try the tips, templates, and techniques in this post to make sure you’re measuring (and acting on) things that make a difference.

Tips, Tricks, and Advice to Help Overcome Your Writing Challenges [New E-Book]

Content creators know the struggles before, during, and after they put words to (digital) paper. Here are some tips, tricks, and exercises to help and a new e-book that pulls together our most helpful writing advice.

Time-Saving Tips, Checklists, and Templates to Conquer Content Marketing Goals

As a gift to our tribe of weary content marketing warriors, we compiled our favorite time-saving tips, productivity checklists, and useful templates. We hope these will help you start the year energized and prepared to conquer 2021.