Jessica Ann
Jessica Ann is the CEO and Creative Director of Jessica Ann Media. She writes for studioD (a CMI benefactor), a content studio that connects brands to audiences using original content. Through data-driven content strategy and innovative content creation, studioD is changing the way brands communicate with digital audiences. Find out more about studioD by visiting our content marketing blog or Twitter. You can reach Jessica Ann on her blog.
Stories By Jessica Ann
How to Translate Audience Data to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy
June 21, 2015
Are you right- or left-brained? Right-brained marketers go with intuition. Left-brained marketers go for logic. The better you know your brain, the better you can expertly incorporate audience data into your content marketing strategy.
Turn User-Generated Content Into Undeniable, Glorious Connections
April 14, 2015
Don’t see UGC as User-Generated Content. Consider it the opportunity for an Undeniable Glorious Connection. If you show you appreciate this type of content, customers are more likely to value your brand. Now, see how to do it right.
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