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Stories By Jonathan Crossfield


Is Your Social Media Content as Popular as You Think?

Metrics such as shares and retweets are the easiest obvious to gather, but they may be the most deceptive when evaluating if your content is making a difference. Never confuse social media distribution with content effectiveness. 

Is Viral Content Making You Sick?

The moment you share a meme, you lose all control of how it may be used. Be sure your message is done in a way that will survive when released into the wilds of social media. Learn about the brands that failed to thrive in the wilds.
When Followers Attack: A Monty Python Guide to Maintaining Social Media Harmony.

When Followers Attack: A Monty Python Guide to Maintaining Social Media Harmony

A social media attack can be quite a surreal experience, leaving you as bewildered and frustrated as a character in a Monty Python sketch. The trick to finding the right punchline is to know which Python sketch you are in.

Social Media Automation: A Little Less Conversation, a Little More Action

After railing against social media automation, Jonathan Crossfield talks with an influential social media marketer who says he found success viewing social media as a distribution channel first and a discussion mode a distant second.

Why BuzzFeed Shouldn’t Blow Your Marketing Mind

It’s easy to look to successful sites like BuzzFeed for lessons on how to build social traffic. Easy, but wrong. Their business model is not yours. Your brand strategy depends on content that convinces the reader to do something else.

Don’t Believe the Hype: What Ello Really Means for Content Marketers

Ello – the invitation-only, ad-free social network – didn’t kill Facebook. Its anti-advertising, pro-marketing with quality content focus is a warning to marketers. Social media is now becoming a traditional media-buying channel.

Group Think: How to Improve Your Social Content Results

Providing general content to a wide audience on social media usually doesn’t work. But imagine the success if you shared content relevant to each of your targeted audiences? You don’t need to start from scratch. Get into group think.

Are Social Media Content Agencies and Experts Taking You for a Ride?

Are some social media agencies, consultants, and "experts" taking advantage of their clients by over thinking and overcharging for mediocre or ineffective tactics? Take a look at how needless complications may be subjecting the whole social media content industry to credibility fallout.

The Future of Social Media Content Strategy is Really Déjà Vu

To understand the future, social media marketers need to stop looking at the present and wringing their hands over the ever-changing landscape. The key to the future of social media content strategy is really the same as it ever was: Look closely at the relevance and quality of your social content and focus on creating the best possible experience for your potential customers.

How Automating Your Social Media Content Can Hurt Your Brand

I have a rule. Actually, I have many rules, but the rule that's relevant to this column is about Twitter, and although it may seem arbitrary, it's about maintaining certain standards for social media content. Think we can't tell when your tweets or updates are automated? Oh yes we can. Knock it off and learn how to avoid automation mistakes in your social media.

How to Spot True Social Media Talent Amongst the 'Experts'

These days, it appears almost anyone can declare him or herself an expert at social media content. But falling for the self-promoting hype can be costly to your campaign — and your business. Find out how to spot true social media talent among the "experts."

#Hashtagology 101: How to Use Hashtags in Your Social Media Content

The humble hashtag started as an informal work-around among early Twitter users. But since the platform made hashtags clickable in 2009, the little symbol has evolved into far more than a labeling system. Find out how to use hashtags in your social media content.