Eileen Sutton
Sutton Creative's principal, Eileen Sutton, is a writer and brand consultant who helps the world’s leading financial firms clarify their story, improve materials, and pursue business better. She relies on holistic principles to help firms get out from under their numbers and speak in a human cadence across integrated channels. Part of a creative ecosystem, she also teams with award-winning Willoughby Partners, Dreisbach Design & T3 Publishing.
Stories By Eileen Sutton
Are you Brand Building Out of Order? A Cautionary Tale
July 16, 2010
As a content marketer, you want to dive in and start work immediately. You know it’s best to lock in a brand position but you wonder: is this so important?
Consider: would you build a skyscraper with no blueprint or do a heart by-pass with no diagnosis?
Here’s the story of one Chicago-based private-equity firm with whom I worked that I’ll call Gaga Capital. They learned the hard way what can happen when the work is done out of order.Continue reading
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