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Stories By Arnie Kuenn

Prove Your Commitment to Achieving Content Marketing ROI

The concept of content marketing has been around for more than 100 years, but measuring success in the new frontier of online marketing can be challenging. It's time to prove your commitment to achieving content marketing ROI. Learn more about types of metrics to measure.

Got Compelling Content? 4 Crucial Next Steps

Many marketers believe that, if you create compelling content and publish it on your website or blog, your work is done and the audience will follow. But there's much more to be done to attract an audience for your content. Check out these four post-production steps that are essential for real content marketing success.

6 Tips for Promoting Your Great Content with Advertising

Great content is a tremendous asset to any business. But creating it and not taking full advantage of that asset is a missed opportunity. Get 6 tips for making the most of your great content by promoting it with paid online advertising.

How to Fulfill Your Content Marketing Plan Through Content Repurposing

A lot of thought, research and development can go into producing a single piece of content. So it's essential to get the most mileage possible out of each effort. Find out how to fulfill your content marketing plan through content repurposing.

3 Content Strategy Commandments for Google Hummingbird Success

Wondering what Google's latest algorithm update means for your business? The answer depends on what your current strategies and tactics are. In general, make sure you adopt these 3 content strategy commandments for Google Hummingbird success.

Repurposing Content for New Materials

Find out how to get more from the great content you create through repurposing. After all, we all know that, with all the time and people often involved in effective content creation, content marketing takes a considerable investment.

A Guide to Content Optimization for 4 Key Content Types

If your audience can't find your compelling content, it won't be very successful, which is why content optimization is such a crucial step in the content marketing process. Use this guide to learn how best to optimize 4 key content types: text, image, video and news.

Google Trends: 7 Ways to Punch Up Your Content

Imagine harnessing information on the billions of searches performed in Google every year. It could drive your SEO and help you better understand your target audience's behaviors and interests. There's a great tool to guide you in doing all of that and more. Find out 7 ways you can use Google Trends to punch up your content creation.

Optimizing Website Content: How to Fix What You're Doing Wrong

Many content creators think they're doing everything right — from writing great content to sharing it on social networks — but later get discouraged when their metrics say otherwise. The truth is, many content marketers struggle with content optimization. Consider this list of "wrongs" and use the tips that follow to learn the right approach to optimizing website content.

The Future of Visual Content: 6 Predictions About Infographics

It's obvious that infographics have become a popular vehicle for content marketing, as visual content can often get shared more than links or text. But will that allure last? Find out what 6 experts on visual content predict for the future of infographics.

Find Content Creation Ideas: 7 Sources for a Virtually Endless Supply

Use these 7 strategies to come up with a virtually endless supply of fresh ideas for content creation. Several of them involve simply tapping into the power of some websites you are probably already using every day.

A Four-Point Plan to Boost Your Website's Authority

Building the authority of your website is not only important for building a strong brand, but also as a part of building trust with search engines that may just hold the future of your business in their hands. Understanding how to build authority requires a broad knowledge of internet marketing. In the infographic below, I discuss ways to build authority, and in the text I provide a few suggestions to help you get started, or to ramp up your current efforts. Continue reading