Ann Gynn
Ann Gynn lives up to her high school nickname (Editor Ann) as an editorial consultant for the Content Marketing Institute. As the founder of G Force Communication, Ann regularly combines words and strategy for B2B, B2C, and nonprofits. Former college adjunct faculty, Ann also helps train professionals in content so they can do it themselves. Follow Ann on Twitter @anngynn or connect on LinkedIn.
Stories By Ann Gynn
21 Things to Do (or Not Do) After a Social Media Algorithm Change
July 10, 2018
In your world, a change in a social media platform algorithm is a breaking news event. What should you do when your favorite social media platform decides it will deliver content differently? Heed the advice from these 21 experts.
How to Get Content Marketing Wrong? Think Like a PR Person
June 12, 2018
If you want to be taken seriously as a content marketer, stop acting like a member of the PR team. If you want to show that content marketing is a distinct contributor to business results, stop using only PR metrics. Do this instead.
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Editorial Mission Statements
May 10, 2018
Know what the ugly is of editorial mission statements? Too many brands don’t have one. Ready to create or refine yours? Take note of the good and the bad from these three examples so your brand’s editorial mission statement is great.
27 Ideas to Break Your Creative Slump
April 19, 2018
You can’t write that lead. You can’t come up with the visuals. You can’t figure a new way to tackle the same topic. Get out of that slump and take a tip (or 27) from your fellow marketers. (Read to the end for the most drastic idea.)
Are Buyer Personas Just Nicer Words for Stereotypes?
April 10, 2018
Are personas the same as stereotypes? Whether it’s soccer moms, NASCAR dads, or lazy millennials, marketers draw conclusions. Now, 10 marketers share how they view personas and stereotypes in their audience development.
6 Content Marketing Plays Inspired by Basketball Madness
March 21, 2018
If your bracket is busted (or even if you don’t know what a bracket is), you still can get something from this month’s basketball craziness. Look at these six tournament-inspired plays for your content marketing playbook.
A 30-Minute Hack for Nonprofits to Improve Their Content Marketing [New Research]
March 7, 2018
Nearly all nonprofit marketers would benefit greatly by taking one month to power up their content marketing programs. That’s a logical conclusion based on what nonprofit marketers had to say in CMI/Marketing Profs’ annual survey.
Personal vs. Corporate Branding: Is It Me or We?
February 19, 2018
Should personal and corporate brands work in harmony? The short answer is yes – research shows it helps the bottom line. But how? Let’s explore how employers – and employees – can take a proactive, mutually beneficial approach.
Ready to ‘Fire’ Your Content Team?
January 30, 2018
Ever had one of those days when you want to fire everybody, figure out what you really need, and then hire (or rehire)? Take it as a signal you need to figure out what isn’t working and how you can fix it. And answer these questions.
27 Reasons Why Your Content Sucks
January 15, 2018
Why would one intentionally create something utterly useless for their organization or their audience? Yet, a lot of content sucks. We’ve all seen (and sometimes created) it. Read on for a splash of cold water to wake up your content.
CCO Opens the Idea Garage for Inspiring B2B and B2C Content Marketing Examples
December 21, 2017
B2B and B2C brands delight their audiences with relevant, entertaining, or unique content opportunities, from Instagram to YouTube to media partnerships. Get inspired by 15 brands doing just that as shared in CCO’s Idea Garage in 2017.
17+ Guest Blogging Rules All Blog Managers Wish You Knew
November 21, 2017
Miss Manners hasn’t written the handbook on how to be a good guest blogger. Yet, if your content marketing strategy includes guest blogging, knowing how to be a good guest improves your chance for success. Here’s a start.
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