Ann Gynn
Ann Gynn lives up to her high school nickname (Editor Ann) as an editorial consultant for the Content Marketing Institute. As the founder of G Force Communication, Ann regularly combines words and strategy for B2B, B2C, and nonprofits. Former college adjunct faculty, Ann also helps train professionals in content so they can do it themselves. Follow Ann on Twitter @anngynn or connect on LinkedIn.
Stories By Ann Gynn
Stop Wanting to Be Liked (Instagram May Do It For You Anyway)
May 17, 2019
Instagram’s experimentation to stop showing "like" counts has teens and influencers wringing their hands. But what’s a content marketer to do? Take these seven suggestions to strengthen your social media program.
35+ Definitions of What Quality Means in Content
May 7, 2019
Have you defined quality for your content? If not, how do you know how to create it? Or even if your content is successful in the context of your brand? Learn how over 35 experts define and achieve quality content.
Do You Think Stereotypes and Personas Are Synonymous?
May 3, 2019
NASCAR dads. Soccer moms. Millennials. Those words conjure images of a person or group. Are they stereotypes or personas? Does it matter? And how does it all fit with your content marketing? Ten marketing experts share their thoughts.
5 More Exercises to Make Your Writing Powerful
May 1, 2019
It’s time to get back to the writing gym. Don’t worry if you haven’t worked out in a while, now is a great time to start. Check out these five exercises (before-and-after looks, tips, and even a couple videos to help shape your work).
22 Things You Wish Marketers Would Stop Doing on Social Media
April 19, 2019
Scrolling through social media platforms can be an irritating experience. Too many brands and individuals don’t use their digital megaphones effectively. What are they doing wrong? Read on for 22 of the biggest social media pet peeves.
Is Your Content Ready to Zig and Zag With Your Buyers?
April 11, 2019
Prospects follow a messy path to buying. Does that mean you should give up on the straight path buyer-journey model? Nope. Organize your content so it’s ready for the mess, while keeping those stages in mind. Here’s how.
24 Big Mistakes You Should Avoid in Content Marketing
April 8, 2019
Sure, we can learn from our mistakes. But we also can learn from others’ mistakes and avoid making them. To help you, we enlisted the help of some smart and wise people who share mistakes they’ve seen and how to fix them.
Is April Fools’ Day Worth the Risk for Brands?
April 1, 2019
April Fools’ Day is a tempting conundrum. Does it provide a good enough reason to break the rules and betray your audience’s trust with fake content, absurd headlines, or fictional products? Let’s give it some serious thought.
Don't Miss Out on These 7 Ways to Use Your Social Media Data
March 13, 2019
Social shares often get lost in the data shuffle. To uncover the hidden gems in that data, you must use social-sharing data in your content marketing program. Here are seven ideas to get started.
How to Make Your Writing More Powerful
February 15, 2019
Digital media fostered a generation of lazy writing. Without finite space demanded of print, writers aren’t forced to edit. To keep skills sharp, writers must do writing workouts. Start with these five exercises.
How to Get the Content Marketing Salary You Deserve
January 31, 2019
Does your salary reflect your content marketing responsibilities and contributions to your employer? The Creative Group’s salary guide can help. And, if a raise is in order, learn how to ask from your fellow content marketers.
13 Fresh Ideas to Get More Content Marketing Zing From Employees
January 17, 2019
Employees can share your content, serve as expert resources, and let you know what customers are saying. But how can your employees really become a differentiator in your content marketing? Here are 13 ideas.
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