Amrit Hallan
Amrit Hallan provides professional content writing services. He helps businesses and individuals improve their overall content quality and, consequently, conversion rate. He regularly shares his thoughts on content writing, content publishing, and content strategy on his Credible Content blog. You can follow him on Twitter @ContentGyan.
Stories By Amrit Hallan
8 Digital Resources to Supercharge Your Content Efforts
May 31, 2012
Simple writing is essential, but there are certain digital resources and tools that can help you create exceptional content without going crazy. Here are eight such tools and resources that can help you organize your content writing effort and make it more fruitful.
How to Survive the Google Penguin Update with Effective Content Writing
May 10, 2012
Whether or not you were negatively affected by the recent Google Penguin update, you should take steps to ensure you won't get caught in the fray when something like this happens. How? With effective content writing. Here are the essentials to get you on the right track.
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